2199 results found
Link hardcoded tourist tax adjustments to the tourist tax accounting category
Linked hardcoded tourist tax adjustments to the tourist tax accounting category and not to the accounting category of the parent (service)
This distorts the accounting because the tourist tax has to go back down into a tax type accounting category, whereas the service's accounting category is a turnover account.
This regression was detected at the beginning of 2024.
2 votes -
Removing taxes from turnover in the accounting report
Tourist taxes are included in the turnover of the accounting report, but they are not. This should be a separate item.
2 votes -
Managing doubtful customers
When we think that a customer is at risk of not paying, we should be able to change their status to ‘Doubtful customer’ so that we can isolate them. If the customer finally settles the debt, then it is reclassified as a normal customer, and if we know that the customer will not pay, then the invoice must be paid using a ‘Loss’ payment method.
Today there is only a ‘Doubtful debt’ payment method, but this closes the invoice directly, which makes it impossible to monitor the intermediate status of customers who are at risk of not paying. Especially from…
2 votes -
Option to block the entry of service charges
When users add a product, they can apply service charges that are mapped to the product group's accounting category. However, it should be possible to block this option because a product group can contain products with different VAT rates, and therefore different accounting categories. As a result, it is not possible to define an accounting category for service charges as the VAT rate cannot be known.
2 votes -
Search function for spaces
As with the rates page, it would be useful to have a search bar for spaces, so that settings can be made more quickly when managing establishments with a large number of spaces, and therefore with several pages (e.g. > 300).
2 votes -
Permission to export the customer database
Ability to block exports of the ‘Customer Profile’ report for certain user roles.
A receptionist on a temporary contract (i.e. working only 1 or 2 days in the hotel) can, if he or she wishes, export the whole of the hotel group's customer database by means of an Excel export filtered by creation date.
2 votes -
O/S (out of sale) space status
Having an ‘Out of Sales’ status which blocks the sale over a date period but does not remove it from the inventory.
It is possible to use House Use but this is not taken into account by RMS DUETTO.
2 votes -
Payments methods: Restaurant cheque + Ticket Restaurant card
Add restaurant cheque and meal voucher payment methods in order to :
- be able to manage these payment methods from reception via MEWS and not just from the POS
- be able to perform accounting adjustments from MEWS in the event of an input error in the POS, which does not allow this type of action to be performed2 votes -
Travel agent commission management
Minimum requirement :
Define a commission rate attached to a TA (see possible rules, but at least a % on room rate or total stay)
Attach or detach automatically (OTA) or manually a TA to a reservation
Calculate and store TA commissions
Reports (statements)Description:
Things to know about travel agent commission management
Reservations are linked to an agent with a specific commission calculation configuration.Reservations may be linked to a travel agent in order to attribute the business brought, but you may ask PMS not to calculate the commission of specific reservations, if needed.
There is a procedure to…6 votes -
Charge per hour for Early Check In / Late Check Out
It would be great if it were possible to set an early check-in and early check-out rate per hour. Currently, only a fixed price can be selected, which limits our ability to charge more for these options.
2 votes -
Informationen in Anfrage- und Optionsmails
Bei den Anfrage- und Optionsmails wird automatisch die Anreiseinfo des Zimmers mit gesendet. Da der Gast aber noch nicht gebucht hat ist es nicht wünschenswert das er bereits den Wlan-Code für das jeweilige Apartment erhält. Eine separate Anfrage- und Optionsmail nur mit der Aufstellung des Preises wäre wünschenswert.
2 votes -
Benachrichtigung über neue Reservierungen
Es wäre hilfreich wenn in den Benachrichtigungen oder Aufgaben, Buchungen die über einen Channel Manager eingegangen sind angezeigt werden.
2 votes -
Allow Next Day Visual in Mews Housekeeping App
Our Back of House staff needs the ability to see next-day activities in the Mews Operations app so that staff doesn't need to access the Mews Commander Dashboard on a laptop or phone when looking forward outside of today's operations.
26 votesHello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Change prices up down instead of to the right
When we change prices and click enter, the next squared selected is the one in the right (same category for the next day). Nevertheless, normally when we change rates, we do so for an entire day. It will be much practical is the next square selected after clicking "Enter" is the one below what we have just changed. This way, we can swap from the first until the last category of a whole day and do it quicker than now.
12 votes -
Add user creation information to the action log
We can see when a user was created but not by who. It would be great to have this information too.
2 votes -
Restrictions (tarifs et produits)
Nous aimerions avoir la possibilité de borner un tarif par occupation.
Ex: vendre un tarif pour une seule personne
Cela nous permettrait de vendre des forfaits soirée étape (nuit+PDJ+dîner) pour nos clients corpo.
Idem, nous aimerions pouvoir borner des produits. Actuellement les restrictions existent uniquement pour les tarifs, or, nous aurions l'utilité d'avoir des restrictions pour les produits afin d'étoffer notre offre produits (ex: box romantique commercialisable uniquement jusqu'à 7 jours avant l'arrivée).
Merci2 votes -
verfügbarkeitsblöcke anzeigen
Ich fände es hilfreich, wenn bestehende Verfügbarkeitsblöcke in der Zeitachse mit angezeigt würden. Ich verschaffe mir gerne vor Buchung einen kurzen Überblick in der Zeitachse, was an dem Tag los ist. Wenn man eine Buchung anlegen will, werden die Zimmer aus dem Block als nicht mehr verfügbar angezeigt. Ich sehe, dass einiges verfügbar ist, aber bei Buchung dann nicht mehr. Dann muss ich erst im Verfügbarkeitsblock nachsehen (und auf die Idee kommen, dass es daran liegt), ob dort was hinterlegt ist. Eine andersfarbige Anzeige des Blocks würde sehr helfen.
2 votes -
Placeholder button colour
We require the ability to customise the colours of buttons, such as "Chat with Us" or "Manage Reservation," within the email templates.
Currently there is no option other than the default Cobalt Blue.
This flexibility will enable us to align their design seamlessly with the visual identity of the property's website and overall brand communication.
3 votes -
More space types for hourly services
More space types for hourly services would be helpful - i'e.: Yoga/Experiences spot
2 votes -
Create an automated task based on a product trigger
If a guest books a specific product such a pet, the task will be automatically created for the HSK team to insert a dog bed in the room.
If the guest books a champagne/wine on arrival, an automated task will be created for RS to prep the champaign and bring to the room7 votes
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