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Property Operations & PMS

Property Operations and PMS: this is the forum for posting your ideas and comments on all aspects of hotel operations, from reservations to events to metrics and reports. You'll find a category here for each of the major topics in property management, and if you can't find the right category, please search or post to the Other category. Where we can, we'll move ideas around to group them as intuitively as possible for the product managers working on the PMS.

Please keep in mind that there is a separate forum for topics specific to the operations of hotel chains and groups. Go to the Multi-property management forum for anything about portfolio management or rate, product, package and restriction functionality across multiple properties.

Property Operations & PMS



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2237 results found

  1. Double room supplement
    It is recommended that the double room supplement is shown separately from the single price on the invoice. This is particularly advantageous for business travellers who are travelling with a companion and require a separate invoice.

    Es wird empfohlen, den Doppelzimmerzuschlag separat vom Einzelpreis auf der Rechnung darzustellen. Dies ist insbesondere für Geschäftsreisende vorteilhaft, die in Begleitung anreisen und eine separate Rechnung benötigen.

    35 votes
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  2. Would be very useful to have a report in Mews that lists our hotel's most loyal guests, who have stayed/spent the most. This would make it easier to identify the guests e.g. for recognition purposes.

    64 votes
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  3. 73 votes
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  4. When a booking is made after 4pm for the same day, a payment link is automatically sent to the booker to request payment in full for this confirmed reservation. This link is valid for 15 minutes. If the booker does not complete payment, the reservation should be automatically cancelled.

    21 votes
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  5. It would be great if you could highlight group bookings with a different colour in the Timeline to make it easier to get an overview of group bookings.

    So when a guest has more than one house, the booking changes to a different colour on the Timeline

    100 votes
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  6. I would like a confirmation for packages without mentioning all products from the reservation. These products are set as “Bill as package” anyway and are not shown separately on the guest's bill either. Just mentioning the rate name and total amount on the confirmation would be sufficient. Perhaps with the extension of the textual content of the package.

    26 votes
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  7. It would be great to have a list of all pro formas that have been sent, because now they cannot be found anymore once it is sent.
    For example, an extra selection under 'bills and invoices'.

    23 votes
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  8. Fast forward to overbooked reservation in timeline

    it would be a nice feature, if we had the function to klick on the red bar (when overbooked in a category) in the timeline to fast forward directly to the (next) overbooked reservation.

    Currently we have to do it like that:
    To quickly find an overbooked category, follow these steps:
    1. Go to the Reservation report from the dashboard or Main Menu > Reservations > Reservation Report.
    2. Use the following filters: Mode: Detailed, Filter: Arrival, Start: Today’s Date, End: As far into the future as you wish to go, Status: Confirmed,…

    97 votes
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  9. Request for a room allocation strategy prioritizing rooms with the longest vacancy periods. This approach helps reduce unnecessary housekeeping costs and supports Legionella prevention.

    19 votes
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  10. Make company owned reservations possible.
    It will allow to manage corporate clients more effectively by associating company profiles with reservations.
    Provide a comprehensive view of all bookings associated with a corporate account. As well highly useful for hotels that offer coworking spaces, where companies own a office space.

    54 votes
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  11. Currently the 'Optional Reservations' and 'Optional Blocks' are available in the dashboard view of the Availability & Occupancy Report. However, this data is not included in the export. Please make this data available in the export as well so we can work with it.

    17 votes
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  12. Currently, the availability block creation flow in Mews does not include a segment field. While adding a segment field could improve categorization and reporting, properties should have the flexibility to configure this field as either mandatory or optional based on their operational needs.

    For properties that rely heavily on segment-based reporting, making the field mandatory ensures consistency and better data quality. However, for others, the additional step might complicate workflows, especially since reservations often need to be updated manually after creation.

    Suggestion: Introduce a configurable setting that allows properties to decide whether the segment field should be mandatory or optional…

    22 votes
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  13. When creating a new profile to associate with a bill or to issue the bill on the company during check out it takes very long for a new company profile to be available for selection as company owner or associated profile. Sometimes it takes several minutes for the company profile to become available in the input fields!!!
    This is unacceptable for most guests and unnecessarily prolongs and delays the checkout process.

    15 votes
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  14. Hello,

    We would like to offer space upgrade during the online check in but the current feature is missing a few options in our opinion:

    • We cannot be notified when a guest upgrades their room during the online check in
    • Upgrades are hard to track and they do not appear on the planning (contrary to manual upgrades) .
    • No report can indicate the additional revenue that we generated that way
    • We would like to be able to put a time limit on upgrade availability (for example, no upgrades past 3PM the day of) as to not impact housekeeping planning too…
    6 votes
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  15. Currently company profiles are added to guest profiles automatically. This should be optional via a tick box. In our case guest' are not always booking via the same company (rate).

    11 votes
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  16. If there are certain rules such as a minimum stay of 5 nights. For a room, for example, two nights are free. It would be good if certain positions (management) could still make bookings and override these rule

    46 votes
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  17. We would like to be able to change the optimize space allocation function in Timeline so that you can assign it as a Permission under roles.
    So not everyone has rights to use this feature.

    38 votes
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  18. We need a way to notate guest allergies in their profiles and pull reports. At minimum, we need a way to be able to pull a PRINTABLE report that includes reservation notes, where we are currently noting allergies for our kitchen and housekeeping staff. This is vital to operations for our property and for our kitchen specifically. Our chef currently has no way to efficiently and effectively pull guest food allergies directly from Mews when he is writing the breakfast menu. We are forced to use a separate system which, naturally, causes food allergies to occasionally fall through the cracks…

    26 votes
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  19. Hello,

    We would like to be able to add a ''buffer period'' or preparation time between rentals, especially for hourly rentals.

    For example, if a guests rents a bike from 9 to 10am, and my buffer is 1 hour, then it will only be available to rent again from 11 am.

    This will prevent guest overlap if they are a few minutes early or late.

    6 votes
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  20. We would like to find the clients' reservation when searching for the organizer in the search bar

    15 votes
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