2199 results found
Add 'Access to the Reservations Report' to the permissions which can be assigned to a user
Mews is implementing many extra ways to secure the user account.
However, if it happens that a hackers gains access to the Mews system, you are pretty much done.All users have access to the Reservations Report, and if the Permission 'View Customer Data' is given to the user (which it will be in 99.9% of the cases) the hacker can easily export the Reservations Report including ALL of the guests private information.
If access to the Reservations Report is either available as an individual permission, or added to the permission 'Access to sensitive reports' a hotel can protect themselves…
2 votes -
Roomtype setup also needs to have the option to configure a rebate accounting categorie
Roomtype setup also needs to have the option to configure a rebate accounting categorie. We want to split revenue per roomtype with different accounting categories. This is possible, but when revenue is rebated it goes to a general rebate categorie instead of the configured room type accounting categories. Seems like the product team forgot to develop the rebate- and cancelled items accounting categories settings in the room type configuration section.
2 votes -
Select multible items to delete from a bill
instead of having to delete one item at a time it should be possible to select more and delete all.
5 votes -
printable reports : Check-list
Make the checklist report printable/exportable to create a communication report for the reception and the restaurant. It should provide a list of the different rooms with their packages: breakfast and dinner options, along with the number of people in each room. This will give a detailed summary to bill the correct amount per room. It must be printable, as screenshots are not an option when there are many reservations. This report can be used for many products, not just restaurant items.
All reports should have the option to be printed, because not everyone in a hotel has access to a…
3 votes -
Option to sort (separate) bills in the 'billing' tab on date
For travel agencies and company guests with routing rules, it is very difficult to quickly identify the date of the reservation . It would be much more useful and convenient if we could have the arrival date displayed at the top of the bill. so there is no need to click on each booking to see the specific date.
6 votes -
Excel Group Upload by Room Number Vs. by room category
When uploading Group blocks with excel, the system assigns rooms based on Room category, it would be beneficial to assign based on room numbers rather than room category
7 votes -
Make it possible to edit the rate of an existing availability block
Currently, it’s not possible to change the rate of an availability block once it’s created. To make any adjustments, the block would need to be deleted and a new one created.
It would be very helpful to have the option to modify the rate directly without having to delete and recreate the block.:)
6 votes -
Link reservation to booker
We would like to find the clients' reservation when searching for the organizer in the search bar
6 votes -
Extend the time unit limit for hourly services
Extend the time unit limit for hourly service rate adjustments from 16 days to 370 days.
4 votes -
Confirmation package without listing all products included
I would like a confirmation for packages without mentioning all products from the reservation. These products are set as “Bill as package” anyway and are not shown separately on the guest's bill either. Just mentioning the rate name and total amount on the confirmation would be sufficient. Perhaps with the extension of the textual content of the package.
18 votes -
Add comments to reservation via reservation overview report
It would be extremely helpful to be able to write comments on reservation directly from the reservation overview report instead of having to click details->administer->properties and THEN be able to write a comment. After all of that, you cannot even just click back, because then you will come to the home screen and not the reservation overview report again. It would save us alot of time, especially us who write comments on almost every single reservation when we go through them for the day to check for extra needs, memberships etc :)
3 votes -
Add a pdf printable option to the new in house guest report
Add a pdf printable option to the new in house guest report
2 votes -
Choose prices per person when blocks are implemented
When a block is implemented, we wish to be able to choose prices per person.
3 votes -
Maintain rate code restrictions in blocks
That restrictions for rate codes are not affected in blocks. You can still pick up rooms.
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5 votes
Guest names on the invoices (preferably next to the Logis numer)
We would prefer having the option for guest names to appear on the invoices (preferably next to the Logis numbers listed on the invoice)
This would especially be useful for group reservations.
When companies book for their employees, they often ask for invoices with guest names for their bookkeeping departments to be able to assign payments to individual employees. Having a company name on the invoice is fine.Do you think you could include this option in the near future?
We have many requests for this and have been entering guest names in Notes on invoices, but all those solutions…
2 votes -
A report of all payments and deposit made in a specific date range and linked to reservations in specific date range as well
It would be really helpful to get a report of all payments made into a specific date range and linked to reservation in another specific date range as well (for example: list of the deposits paid in 2024 but linked to reservations for 2025)
2 votes -
Add more product rules feature
Create more options for the product rule creation. There should be an option to select a limit to the amount of each product available in the system to avoid overselling.
2 votes -
character limit
I have recently discovered a 1,000-character limit has been applied to (at least) the description of a new rate when I attempted to modify an existing description and add a new rate. Overall, not an issue. The problem to solve is formatting this description. Line breaks and blank lines entered when writing the description are no longer recognized and now the lines all run together. This is not a great Guest experience and is apt to cause more Guests to skip reading the description entirely when they see a big block of words. I hope this was an oversight when…
3 votes -
Additional and/or customizable frequency options for scheduled reports
Currently reports can be scheduled to run hourly, daily, weekly, monthly etc.
It would be helpful to have more options ie. 6-hourly, fortnightly etc. and/or the ability to set a custom frequency for report exports ie. 6AM, 2PM, 6PM to correspond with staff shift times.
2 votes
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