2213 results found
Roominglist with phone number
Excel rooming list must have telephone number field.
Guest receives a text message by arrival with door code and room number. When the group is 50 people, it is important to be able to load the phone number in rooming list.5 votes -
"commande ajoutée"
Bonjour il faudrait que l'on puisse customiser l'e-mail "commande ajoutée" afin de pouvoir faire figurer les conditions d'annulation du tarif au même titre qu'il est possible de le faire sur l'e-mail "confirmation de réservation" reçu par le client.
Merci2 votes -
company profile dashboard
The company profile dashboard currently has some bills and invoices belonging to the company.
However, the organization of this is not quite easy to navigate around as someone would have to remember the bill numbers in order to find bills here. Instead, it would be great if there was a way to sort the bills by due date or closed dates. etc
16 votes -
device authentication feature email to both user ánd mews champion
the news device authentication feature email informing a user of a new login is a nice addon, however a copy to the property admin even better; as the property admin can easily filter any particulars as to whom and when, as well as the location.
as the location is usally (close) to the actual physical address of a hotel, there are numerous questions when it is not 100%, and the champion can then tacle this issue first hand
1 vote -
Apply a ceiling to a derived rate
Be able to set a ceiling or floor price on derived rates
3 votes -
A different colour for group bookings and individual customers
Differentiate between group bookings (several rooms) and individual customers.
Easier planning management
13 votes -
Improve dynamic charging mode of a stay product
When choosing Charging "Once" and then Consumed at either "Reservation end" or "Reservation start" on a stay produkt, you shouldn't be required to enter date and time when adding the item to a reservation.
I.e. "Late check out" would be set as "Once", and when adding it to a reservation you choose Count (no. of hours) and it would automatically be posted on the check out date.2 votes -
Export report to PDF
It is not possible to schedule reports into a PDF in de scheduled exports.
When you can have it in PDF it's easier to review the reports for us.14 votes -
Revenue Report
Hello MEWS UserVoice Community,
we urgently need a report for our company that clearly shows the turnover/revenue. The report should be generated daily at ~ 08:00 and ideally be sent automatically by e-mail to a fixed group of users. The following information must be visible on it:
- Hotel & Lodging
- Gastronomy and its sub-outlets (restaurant, day bar, rooftop bar, banquet, etc.)
- Wellness & Spa
- OtherREVENUE BY TIME (here using the example of gastronomy)
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- DinnerSALES BY PRODUCT GROUPS (here using the example of gastronomy)
-…2 votes -
Task automatically assigned on arrival date
When creating a task from a reservation the execution date should be set = arrival date, not today.
14 votes -
Select multiple services
Please add the option to choose multiple Services within reports (e.g. Reservation Report), the dashboard and the timeline.
If we add a service for nightly billing and one for monthly billing, both should be equally add up as arrivals and being reflected on an arrival report.
For the dashboard, maybe we can have at least the possibility to select services that should be shown together on one dashboard. (Arrivals, departures, tasks)
For the timeline, it is not very helpful that reservations for other services are visible but it is shown with the name of the service instead of the guests…
1 vote -
Manage capacity and prices spaces by timeframe
It would be very useful to create a time frame with different minimum capacity by room, i mean adapt capacity to diferent time periods to enable dynamic pricing for peak/low season.
It's needed too to charge free children in one specific period for commercial purpouses1 vote -
Consumption of Mini/Maxi Bar items by Room Number
It is essential for us to track which rooms are performing well in terms of mini/maxi bar sales, as our hotel offers different collections in the mini/maxi bars across various rooms. Therefore, we need a report detailing mini/maxi bar consumption by room number.
1 vote -
payment report refund reason
Right now, there are so many details in the exported payment report in the excel file, but the mandatory refund reason is not there. It would be very helpful for us if it shows it in there as well when going through all the refunds.
1 vote -
Downgrades not syncing properly with OTAs linked with the direct interfaces
Customer X has booked room category #1. If I manually upgrade him (drag and drop) to a higher category, say #2, then the OTA's availabilities will be updated to reflect this upgrade. Then, If I manually downgrade X in his original requested category the OTA'a availabilities will be once more updated and revert to their original state. However, if X is downgraded not by manual drag and drop but by being "bumped" into his original category through the dragging and dropping of another customer Y onto X's room, then the new availabilities resulting from this bumped downgrade will not be…
1 vote -
Allow inquired reservations to auto release by system
There is a setting in the system to instruct optional and inquired reservations to auto release. To operate a waitlist it would be better to split this instruction so that inquired bookings auto release and optional reservations don't auto release.
1 vote -
Occupancy report and shared inventory
When using shared inventory in a hostel setting the occupancy graph is rendered almost unusable. When having a dorm sellable as a Dorm or a single bed, if arrivals was 1 for a bed on the day in the reservations section, the graph directly below will indicate 2 arrivals if the dorm was not occupied previously. There is only truly 1 arrival.
Appreciating additional logic would need to be applied across the system, though this would make it far more actionable insights and give team members actionable information.
1 vote -
Sorting on Bill Items
We see that items on bill 13947 are ordered in a way that we don’t understand. Can you provide some clarification on this? Property wants to order items by date. Since the date sorting in the billing screen is not in order, the bill cannot be printed in date order.
The issue occurs when bills are imported from Lightspeed, I think? I am not entirely sure on this but it seems to be the case.
AFAIK we don’t have any ordering on bill items level.
Therefore this is a feature request1 vote -
Show guest names/references on the list of invoices
It is impossible to find a specific invoice if it is owned by a company with over 100 invoices attached. Guest names/references should show by default in the list.
4 votes -
create a function to allow a rooming list o be uploaded
Booker sends in a rooming list - this should be able to be uploaded to the block so each room is picked up and a reservation is made to the correct room type
Also to be able to pull rooming list in a nice format with our exporting unnecessary information. Wedding are always asking for a list of names and dates of who booked in their group
11 votes
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