2213 results found
Wochentag zusätzlich zum Datum (Day of the week in addition to the date in the Reservation info)
Bitte den (abgekürzten) Wochentag zusätzlich zum Datum zB. bei Reservierungsdetails anzeigen.
Please enter the (abbreviated) day of the week in addition to the date, e.g. show at reservation details in the reservation info (right hand side of a reservation)
16 votesHello from the Mews product team,
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Remove housekeepers' ability to mark rooms as inspected
housekeeping staff's ability to set rooms in inspected.
to be able to block Housekeeping staff to put room in inspected.
HSK cleaners should only be able to put in dirty and Clean.8 votesHello from the Mews product team,
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Stay restricition: change CTA to midnight instead of standard check-in time
At the moment CTA restrictions are applied as of check-in time (ie. 3pm 3 days prior to arrival) for channel bookings. However, mews applies this in the distributor as of midnight (ie. 3 days prior to arrival). We would need all channels and the distributor to have the setting applied at the same time (midnight), to avoid parity issues.
2 votesHello from the Mews product team.
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Notifications of new reservations can be selected as read
It would be nice when notifications come in of new reservations, to be able to select them as read instead of clicking them one by one. It is important for our organization to check all reservations that are made online. Group reservations also come in regularly, now we have to click on all notifications one by one to mark it as read, then have to search again between the notifications where we left. If you could select the notifications and click as read, this would be easier.
1 voteReview of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase
"Bill sent" templates
There should be another template called " Receivable invoice" sent when invoice is issued that invites the recipient to pay via bank transfer.
3 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Ich möchte, dass man über die Funktion "House Use" mehrere Zimmer in einem Schlag wählen kann. Somit könnte man zum Beispiel vielen Zimmer v
Ich möchte, dass man über die Funktion "House Use" mehrere Zimmer in einem Schlag wählen kann. Somit könnte man zum Beispiel vielen Zimmer vor Ankunft einer Gruppe am Vorabend blockieren (es ist nur eine Beispiel)
20 votesHello from the Mews product team,
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2 votes
Hello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
Rounding of digits
It would be great if you could set mews to round all prices to the nearest euro (so no digits after the comma).
31 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Export Reservation Report suitable for VieTOUR import
Make it possible to add customized country and county codes and to export csv file ready for import into VieTOUR (https://www.wien.gv.at/statistik/wirtschaft/tourismus/daten-melden.html)
1 vote -
Print Company on guest bill for Invoiced accounts
I would like to see where a company or travel agent profile is attached to a reservation, however the assigned billing company is a third party agent/TMC that is not the main company or travel agent to the booking but have the company / agent profile linked to the reservation also print onto the guest bill header details
5 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Option to automatically add a product for a second person in a room
Possibility to add a product automatically only for the second person occupying the room (at the moment the Product Rule affect either all people in the reservation or all nights in the reservation)
1 vote -
SubTotals on Invoices
When reviewing Invoices, there are collapsable sections for each added "Item" during the guest's stay.
These sections should have subtotals for easy calculation and review.
For example - when a guest wants to see how much they paid in the spa yesterday, I should not have to add up each treatment they took to give them the total.
This wastes their time, and mine.
1 vote -
increase accounting categories quota
Increase the current limit of accounting categories to have a greater level of granularity in the accounting report
3 votes -
Have a separate cancellation policy for group reservations where multiple rooms are concerned.
Currently, if a reservation is for multiple rooms, the cancellation policy remains the same as that of the rate group for which they were booked. It would be better, and easier to mitigate the risk of losing of a multi-room reservation, if there was an option of another cancellation policy being available once a minimum number of rooms have been reserved. This would allow us to change the cancellation period, meaning that they have to provide us with more notice of cancellation.
1 vote -
Reservation overview: add "companion" as a filter option under ordering
To be able to filter the reservation overview by "companion" for quicker navigation
1 voteHello from the Mews product team,
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Availability report to show correct details
In the availability report, the colomn on the left with the roomtypes, should always show the total number of rooms that you have of this roomtype.
Indepent if a room is OOO or not. Rooms OOO should be treathed as occupied, ie. only affecting the availability per day in the rest of the columns.2 votes -
Timeline to show restrictions in banner underneath dates
Underneath dates in Timeline - to show current restrictions, events in house, city events and public holidays.
36 votesHello from the Mews product team,
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Change Color Choice in Timeline
I find the color choices really strange. For example, when I see grey I think the reservation is from the past, when I see blue I don't feel like I need to do anything. It is not really logical if you don't know what it means.
My color proposal would be the following:
-Gray --> Past reservations
-Black--> Out of Order
-Blue--> To be checked in (Reservations of the day)
-Green --> Already checked in
-Orange--> To be checked out.
-Red--> The check out need to be done, the room was supposed to be checked out before.
-Clearer Grey /…38 votesHello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
Remove 'Create a Key' option until the guest has checked in.
Currently we can 'Create a Key' for a reservation that isn't inhouse. I suggest this button isn't available for team members to click until the guest is in house. There is a 'Check in and Create Key' button which can be used initially, then once the guest is in house the 'Create a Key' button can be available to click. This will prevent guests being issued a key without being checked in accidentally.
1 voteHello from the Mews product team,
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Allow to select multiple rooms when creating a new 'out of order block'
It is sometimes necessary to block more than one room out of order (an entire floor or entire building in the event of large scale refurbishment work, for example) and it would be helpful to be able to place multiple rooms 'out of order' at once if they all should be blocked for the same dates and same reason.
173 votesHello from the Mews product team,
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