89 results found
Extra screen to read back your order
We are starting to work with the handhelds, but I get complaints from the operation about when you want to order a new round at an exiting table. The thing is that when you have put in the order and want to read the order back, you see all the previous ordered items as well. There should be a screen in between with only the items that you ordered at that moment. Can you fix this?
2 votes -
Durchschnittliche Tischbelegungszeit pro Tag
Es wäre supper für die Tischreservierung zu sehen, wie lange ein Tisch belegt wird.
So könnte man seine Reservierungen optimieren.2 votes -
Umsatzzentren mit Tische verknüpfen / Küchenbon zu groß
Hallo liebes Team,
wir bieten im Restaurant Speisen vor Ort und zum liefern an.
Da es hier zwei unterschiedliche Steuersätze gibt mussten wir hierfür eine Lösung finden. Wir haben aktuell dafür zwei Umsatzzentren und 1 Preisbook mit 7 % angelegt. Im Grunde funktioniert es.ABER: es passieren hier sehr schnell viele Fehler in der Anwendung.
Es wird schnell das falsche Umsatzzentrum angewählt oder das umschalten auf mitnehmen vergessen.Mein Vorschlag wäre es, die Tische mit den entsprechenden Umsatzzentren zu verbinden. Wir haben ein Tischplan erstellt, mit zusätzlichen Tischen, wo wir das Essen usw. zum liefern draufbuchen können. Das ist für…
2 votes -
Daily Epos report
Not taking away anything from the report as it is helping, but It would be so helpful, if there was a box that reported the gross sales for each outlet
- Bar
- Restaurant
- etc
At the moment, each manager is manually, adding up these figures to see what business each outlet did the previous day.
Please look into it as it’s such an obvious one
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Bundle feature for online ordering
Extending bundle to online ordering: bundling starter. + main + dessert the same way you have it on Food delivery app
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Digital ordering app translation
Today in the DO app, change of language will change the buttons, labels, instructions ect... That would be great if the product content (name of products, modifiers, description) could also be translated.
2 votes -
Task dates
The date of the task to be automatically the starting day of the stay.
2 votes -
Voucher code based on guest profile
Create vouchers based on the guest profile with limited use for loyalty program.
2 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Integration to Dirmeier
Integration to Dirmeier - smart beer dispensing system: https://www.dirmeier.de/
2 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Alle anwesenden Mitarbeitenden müssen Ihre Schicht anmelden und abmelden können. Nicht nur eine Person. Anschliessend muss Umsatzquelle ausgewählt werden können und diese dann auch fix bestehen bleiben. (Dies bei verschiedenen Restaurants im Haus)
1 vote -
Doppelter Check Zimmernummer
Bei Zimmerbuchung bevor der Gast unterschreiben muss, muss er noch einmal die Zimmernummer zur eingeben= doppelte Kontrolle.
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Why not having a common shortcut grid for all device types (smartphone, pad)?
Currently you need to define separate shortcut grids for Smartphone devices and Pad devices. This means double work when adding new products, and risk of inconsistencies between both device types.
1 vote -
Influence the order of payment methods in Mews POS
Currently the paiement methods appear in alphabetical order, and there is no way to influence the place of the payment method. If we want to see the most frequently used payment methods at the beginning, and avoid scrolling, there is no way to influence the order. A nice feature would be to determine in which order they appear. For example: room transfer, credit card, cash, prepayment, etc.
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Il serait impératif de mettre en place le système de réclame directement sur le produit. A l'heure actuelle il est nécessaire de créer un Bundle avec un produit pour lui attribuer une réclame par défaut. Pouvez vous mettre en place le système de réclame directement sur les produits, cela éviterait un bon nombre d'erreur et de doublons lors d'un service. Cela permet aussi de communiquer directement la bonne information à la cuisine.
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Synchronisation et améliorations
Bonjour, serait il possible de faire en sorte que lorsque une modification est réalisée sur le back office celle ci se synchronise automatiquement sur le POS. Il serait aussi super de pouvoir gérer les interfaces et le positionnement des articles directement via le back office pour que cela se mette en application sur le POS
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Exchange from credit card to cash
Possibility to exchange credit card to cash. If customer would like to get coins it would be nice to be able to charge credit card and then exchange it to cash.
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Schichtverwaltung nur für Administratoren und Manager
Wir hätten gerne eine Einstellung, dass wir bestimmten Personengruppen (Administratoren & Manager) den Zugang zur Schichtverwaltung geben können und den Kassierern nicht. Wir möchten nicht, dass Kassierer die Tagesumsätze aller Schichten sehen können und ebenfalls nicht, dass sie genau sehen können, was in der aktuellen Schicht für ein Umsatz generiert wurde.
Shift Management only visible for admins and managers. We don´t want cashiers to see the shifts.
1 vote -
Sequence of the created table areas
It would be nice if you could determine the order of the table areas yourself.
The programming sequence is permanently defined here.1 vote -
Viva Wallet
To whom it may concern;
We have been using Agent Cash / Bizzon POS Software for many, many years now. I realize comparatively speaking Croatia is an extremely small market compared to other countries. And your company is in essence pulling out of the Croatian market due to the inability to accept credit cards. But I think that your are pulling out of a possible market that you could conceivably dominate. That market is small business owners and trade entities. Croatia severely lacks good options for the aforementioned markets. Since we have been forced to explore other point of sale…
1 vote -
POS - Ideal Payment Method
Amrath Hotels asked for support of Ideal payments both on terminals and online payments (POS Digital Ordering). Ideal has wide adoption in Netherlands, and it is expected to be required for any subsequent prospect.
1 voteHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
- Don't see your idea?