2213 results found
Add user creation information to the action log
We can see when a user was created but not by who. It would be great to have this information too.
2 votes -
Restrictions (tarifs et produits)
Nous aimerions avoir la possibilité de borner un tarif par occupation.
Ex: vendre un tarif pour une seule personne
Cela nous permettrait de vendre des forfaits soirée étape (nuit+PDJ+dîner) pour nos clients corpo.
Idem, nous aimerions pouvoir borner des produits. Actuellement les restrictions existent uniquement pour les tarifs, or, nous aurions l'utilité d'avoir des restrictions pour les produits afin d'étoffer notre offre produits (ex: box romantique commercialisable uniquement jusqu'à 7 jours avant l'arrivée).
Merci2 votes -
verfügbarkeitsblöcke anzeigen
Ich fände es hilfreich, wenn bestehende Verfügbarkeitsblöcke in der Zeitachse mit angezeigt würden. Ich verschaffe mir gerne vor Buchung einen kurzen Überblick in der Zeitachse, was an dem Tag los ist. Wenn man eine Buchung anlegen will, werden die Zimmer aus dem Block als nicht mehr verfügbar angezeigt. Ich sehe, dass einiges verfügbar ist, aber bei Buchung dann nicht mehr. Dann muss ich erst im Verfügbarkeitsblock nachsehen (und auf die Idee kommen, dass es daran liegt), ob dort was hinterlegt ist. Eine andersfarbige Anzeige des Blocks würde sehr helfen.
2 votes -
Placeholder button colour
We require the ability to customise the colours of buttons, such as "Chat with Us" or "Manage Reservation," within the email templates.
Currently there is no option other than the default Cobalt Blue.
This flexibility will enable us to align their design seamlessly with the visual identity of the property's website and overall brand communication.
3 votes -
Package with Items on specific nights
They is a example of the request of the customer. This functionality is available in Hotello and customers is looking to have the same in Mews. There is some examples:
Example 1: I have a package for 3 nights:
Night 1: Diner
Night 2: Breakfast, lunch (apply after midnight per day per person) and diner
Night 3: breakfast and lunch (apply after midnight per day per person)
The problem right now is all items applied every night. In Hotello, they was able to select in the configuration with specific night the product should appliesExample 2:
I have a package…15 votes -
More space types for hourly services
More space types for hourly services would be helpful - i'e.: Yoga/Experiences spot
2 votes -
Create an automated task based on a product trigger
If a guest books a specific product such a pet, the task will be automatically created for the HSK team to insert a dog bed in the room.
If the guest books a champagne/wine on arrival, an automated task will be created for RS to prep the champaign and bring to the room7 votes -
Report that includes commission amounts being paid to travel agencies
A report that shows what commission amounts are due to travel agencies.
3 votes -
Suggestion for Time Allocation in Space Category Settings
In housekeeping operations, efficiency and planning are key. Currently, housekeepers rely on a “fixed” amount of time per space, depending on the category, features, and other variables. To streamline this process, it would be highly beneficial to introduce a dedicated field within the Space Category settings for allocating the average time required to clean each space type.
Example Time Allocations:
Standard Room: 20 minutes
Junior Suite: 45 minutes
Shared Dormitory with 6 Beds: 1 hourBenefits of This Feature:
Enhanced Planning: Housekeeping managers can better allocate staff and resources, ensuring optimal coverage during busy periods and more balanced workloads.
Performance…3 votes -
Apply Customer Classification Icon to the Reservation overview in the Employer view in Mews Kiosk
It would be helpful to have the Classification icon (most important the returner Icon) displayed in the reservation overview for the Kiosk check in the employer View.
1 vote -
Apply Customer Classification Icon to the Employer view in Mews Kiosk
It would be helpful to have the Classification icon (most important the returner Icon) displayed in the reservation overview for the Kiosk check in the employer View.
1 vote -
analysis by room typology
When I import into Mews Analytics the information from up to two years ago from the previous PMS, the template provided by Mews does not allow me to differentiate by type of room or flat. Therefore, it will never provide me with the ADR, occupancy or total revenue data by type of room/apartment. It would be very convenient to modify this in order to have a fully detailed history.
1 vote -
Autom. Task for late check out
automaticly task for HSK on departure dates of guests if they booked online a late check out
1 vote -
If there is a note on a guest profile in ‘internal’ it would be great if when the profile was opened it alerted the operator.
If there is a note on a guest profile in ‘internal’ it would be great if when the profile was opened it alerted the operator.
It wouldn’t matter is it was automatic or if we had to select ‘alert’
EG – guest is a coeliac, rooms to avoid, comp fizz on next stay, guest likes a bath, dogs name. It can contain, positive, negative and important info that can be transferred onto next booking13 votes -
City Ledger
Es wäre sehr hilfreich, wenn in der Debitorenverwaltung ( City Ledger ) die direkte Möglichkeit wäre, eine Zahlungserinnerung per Mail zu senden.
1 vote -
Product Checklist Date Filter
When you change the date filter and open a reservation, the preselected date resets back to the current date instead of the date you selected which creates an extra step for properties.
1 vote -
Enter roomnumber in search bar to show name of guest
Now, when you enter a roomnumber, it shows partial confirmation numbers mostly. I want to quickly look up a guest by roomnumber, not only by name.
1 vote -
Add 'Access to the Reservations Report' to the permissions which can be assigned to a user
Mews is implementing many extra ways to secure the user account.
However, if it happens that a hackers gains access to the Mews system, you are pretty much done.All users have access to the Reservations Report, and if the Permission 'View Customer Data' is given to the user (which it will be in 99.9% of the cases) the hacker can easily export the Reservations Report including ALL of the guests private information.
If access to the Reservations Report is either available as an individual permission, or added to the permission 'Access to sensitive reports' a hotel can protect themselves…
2 votes -
Hotkeys and tabs
I feel like a basic feaure for anyone who is using the internet for work is to use tabs in the web browser. Especially in the reception where you are often working on multiple things, and reservations at once.
So that you cannot use the very common hot key CTRL + click to open a new tab is frustrating. That you cannot even use the old school way by right clicking is BEYOND frustrating.
When I do "detective" work regarding a reservation, payment or really anything in the system I want to be able to quickly set up tabs for…
1 vote -
Roomtype setup also needs to have the option to configure a rebate accounting categorie
Roomtype setup also needs to have the option to configure a rebate accounting categorie. We want to split revenue per roomtype with different accounting categories. This is possible, but when revenue is rebated it goes to a general rebate categorie instead of the configured room type accounting categories. Seems like the product team forgot to develop the rebate- and cancelled items accounting categories settings in the room type configuration section.
2 votes
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