Send invoice directly to company profile
Our invoices need to be emailed directly to companies (i.e. Travel Agents or Businesses) directly. Currently you can only email to Customer Profiles, yet all the contact information for companies are stored in the Company profile. We move chargeback items to a Company Bill, so it seems illogical to then not be able to email the invoice directly to that company?
We waste so much valuable time saving the PDF down and manually sending the invoice through Gmail. There is a lot of room for human error here, where invoices don't ever get sent out.

Hello from the Mews product team. We are so pleased to let you know that your feature request has been released. Please check out our release notes - Thank you again for sharing your idea!
roland.galliker commented
To mews developpers. Pls make sure that together with the possibility to send the invoice directly to company or booker or travel agency, a different e-mail template is necessary and we should be able to set it up and choose to use it when we send invoice. At present the same mail template is sent to other e-mail, unfortunately including the dangerous possibility for the booker to look and change personal information of the guest who actually stayed at the hotel
Kathlyn Voss commented
Mails are not send to the "Mail for billing" in the companie account, because there is only the button "Send to customer"
often the invoice should be sed to the companie, thats why we are happy about the new fiel "mail for billing" in the companie account. But unfortunately we cannot send the invoice from mews to another mail than the customer mail.
Jesse Bielas commented
This should be automatic as well - ie prompt upon invoicing to a company "do you want to email the invoice to [email protected]"
Anne CHRISTENSEN commented
can be practical
Dominiquevdr commented
To me it is really strange that this isn't an option yet. You can send an confirmation to an e-mailadress of your choice, so why not the invoice. Hope this feature will be here soon!
Luigi Orsini commented
Great! Finally...
Michel Van der Veken commented
Thank you
dgkassaye commented
We need this feature as soon as possible. Please.
- Danieæl
Bianca McKell commented
This is vitally necessary to us and any hotel making a significant amount of corporate bookings.
Tina Karpinski commented
es fehlt die Möglichkeit eine Firmen email anzugeben und damit kann keine Rechnung direkt an die Firma gesendet werden.
Ana R. Palma commented
Really important improvement. Especially when it comes to send the invoice to the company instead of the guest.
hannah.garley commented
This is crucial for credit control as some companies have more than one person the invoice / reminders need to be sent to
Paulina Zapotoczna commented
At the moment an invoice can only be sent to customer email address. Sometimes companies request the invoice to be sent to booker and finance department. We need ability to cc more email addresses when invoice is sent.
Luigi Orsini commented
If the booker is not the guest, this mostly is the case when it is a company reservation. It would be very appreciated when this could be set as default in a company profile or set in the routing rules. Also it would be very appreciated that the company is automatically filled in, when moving to a company bill.
Charlie Mckay commented
We were struggling this, however found that if you add someone as the booker (i.e. agent or accounts payable) on checkout if you move to this profile. and invoice easily - it is really so there is someone accountable as a point of contact i.e. customer.
Bonnie Lewis commented
When clicking the envelope button on the invoice screen, we should be able to have the option to send direct to the customers email address in the profile OR to a custom email address, such as an accountant, partner, booker or work/personal email address on request.
DL commented
Hye, we have excatly the same problem.
We are working with a lot of business guests who need that the invoice to be sent to their company.
We would appreciate to have the possibility to send it directly by email to the company.
Nadya Gabriel from Hotel Metropol Basel Switzerland -
Hôtel MYRTILLES commented
Please note, some Head Company having different 'Child company', but accounting is in 1 OFFICE. Wanting the invoice foor all filliates comany MAILED to 1 Unique Mailadress.
Christopher Custer commented
I agree that having the option to send the bill to the booker would be very helpful.
Anna Adamczyk commented
Indeed in current times when everything is automatized it seems really old-school to download a pdf file just to be able to send invoice to the company who is the payer and booker. We work with companies, the last 3 months we had 200 reservations with them so it is very time consuming for us to do it in such a tradicional way. It would be great at least to have a possibility to add the companies email to their file and some button which allows us to choose who send the invoice to.