Granular User Privileges
"By expanding user privilege assignment, admin users can now assign privileges to each employee with much more flexibility. Privileges can be organized with dependencies, and in addition to creating different assignable privilege sets, individual privileges can be granted or revoked according to each employee's operational duties."
Betty Devos commented
history records of sent items are crucial, in my opinion. Guests can indeed refer to it and now we do not know what or when it was sent.For example, if it concerns a survey via, you can find the messages sent there, but this is not the intention of a PMS system that values innovation, right?
Madeleine Rohde commented
I agree too Frank Blattl. If a guest is "rejecting" the offered and agreed rate when checking-in we can´t see the content of e.g. the confirmation mail and condition the guest booked once via MEWS. All we can see ist when a mail was sent and the underlying occasion/ event. An dall we can do in the end is ask the guest if he/she may show us the mail as proof.
Hoping to get more transparency on this! -
Frank Blattl commented
It is a must as rates and cancellation policies could change and guest refer to the email they got from the system, but the hotel cannot view them. Even mistakes in texts and links could be easier emended.
So, we also hope this function comes soon. -
mko commented
I think this idea could be merged with this one:
mko commented
That would be important for us as well. We would like to see the content of the automatically delivered emails. It happens occasionally that customers are asking us something regarding the mails that are send from Mews. The only thing we can do then is to ask the customer to forward us the email which makes us look a little unprofessional. So please add an option to have a look at the sent emails.
We have recently added a feature called "View sensitive" reports which limits employees from accessing sensitive financial reports such as the Accounting, Manager, and Merchant Balance reports.
You can find more information about this feature in our release notes page.
In addition to that, we also have multiple privileges that will restrict your housekeepers from accessing your guest related sections in Mews. You can add more information related to this in the Mews guide:
Please let us know if you have anymore feedback with regards to the permissions for your housekeeping staff.
Alexander Ostergaard commented
Possibility to restrict certain employees access.
I do not want my receptionist or house cleaning to see the total financial report in MEWS!!!!!
roland.galliker commented
On April 3 of 2019 (last year) I see that mews asked if also non-admin people can see e-mails.
From our part, having more than one person working at front office, it is of absolute necessity that each and every member of front office or reservation office can see e-mails between guests and hotel.
Hoping that this funtion comes soon -
sharon.vanderjagt commented
Employee subscriptions
User rights should be moe extensive.Fe. one needs admin rights to see mail queues, where we do not want to give reservations, these access rights, however would like to give them the opportunity to see whats been send.
We come across this quite often.
Also user rights do not match in help, do not fully match, since combinations sometimes give rights to users. Fe. manage spaces + manage customers, enable users to put spaces ooo.
Nordine HOUAYS commented
Each employee can access to reports, we want to permit to see it only by few employees, not all of them
Anonymous commented
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Une mise à jour concernant ce problème s'impose.
Dans notre établissement, en haute saison, nous faisons appel à de nombreux saisonniers.
En leur créant un profil utilisateur, nous leur laissons l'accès complet à tous les rapports ( Financiers / R.H / Gestion / ... )Il faudrait prendre en compte la création de comptes à différents niveaux d'accès, afin de sécuriser, tout simplement, ces informations.
Merci à l'équipe de MEWS de faire le nécéssaire.
Boucard Jessica commented
Add the option of seeing all the emails sent to the client (proposal, confirmation, cancellation).
Sharon commented
This would be a wonderful added value:
"Currently you can see all mail queue items and the fact they were successful or failed etc. But you can't see or download a copy of the email. Whilst you can resend most emails or even send a copy to yourself from the reservation screen you can't resend or get copies of the charge success/failure emails."
Viktor Puetzer commented
It would be nice if all emails sent by Mews on behalf of the hotel are really sent on behalf of the hotel (and not from another email address than the hotel's email address). This would allow the see all mails in the hotels mailbox under sent items. It would also be nice to give the possibility to put the hotel in copy in either case.
simon commented
Having this api functionality is crucial to allow for further modifications via api to any reservation (ex. extensions or date adjustments programmatically).
Nicolas Adamjee commented
Restrict the visibility of financial information to certain users
Robert Kneubühler commented
Is necessary as the front desk is confronted by the bookers, guest and they have to argue with them at place. If they don't have acces they can't prove that the mail was sent.
Charlie Delamare commented
Currently you can see all mail queue items and the fact they were successful or failed etc. But you can't see or download a copy of the email. Whilst you can resend most emails or even send a copy to yourself from the reservation screen you can't resend or get copies of the charge success/failure emails.
Luigi Orsini commented
Would be great to have a log of all the e-mails sent attached to the reservation(s) and/or profile.
nhunting commented
I like to have the following privileges seperated in MEWS. So only the finacial accounting department can add or change:
-Settings -> Finance -> ALL
-Settings -> Sales -> Services -> Service -> Products -> Accounting category