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5 votes
5 votes
5 votes
Add comments for housekeepers
Nous utilisons l'application 1check pour gérer les chambres à nettoyer.
Nous avons la possibilité de laisser un commentaire pour la femme de chambre.
Actuellement MEws envoie à 1check le commentaire laissé dans la partie NOTE de MEWS.
Le problème c'est que MEWS ne différencie pas le commentaire pour la reception ou le commentaire pour la partie MENAGE.Il faudrait avoir une case où l'on peut laisser un commentaire uniquement à l'attention de le femme de chambre : exemple : 2 lits
0 votes -
Lost state for blocks
it would be valuable for sales teams to know the difference between deals cancelled by guests, and deals lost due to bad proposal, or lost because the guest went to another property.
0 votesHello from the Mews product team,
We have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Group seperate bookings under the same guest profile.
Right now to add bookings to the same 'group booking' you have to open the booking then click the '+ reservation' button. If you make a booking through the regular '+' icon that's always visible for example you can't send a confirmation with both bookings in the same email.
I'd like to have a function that simply allows you to couple or group bookings together to make this process easier.0 votes
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