Add a person to an already occupied unit
Persons arriving later to a unit than the already checked in people - cannot be added for only a part of the whole stay. Same with persons departing earlier than the other people of the same unit.
Within in an apartement 2 people stay 2 nights 2 people stay 4 nights.

Katja Steindl commented
Dear All,
are there any updates regarding this matter?This feature is critical for us, as it does not only affect MEWS and housekeeping but also the automated guest reports which are sent to the feratel integration. Furthermore it creates an additional workload and becomes more complex for the receptionists as Chris stated below.
Example for actual situation
1.Additional person will arrive 1 day later, guest tells us before
Dagobert Duck wants to stay from August 10th till August 14th and reserves a room for 1 person (double occupancy possible).
During check- in he says, that his friend arrives on August 11th.
Therefore we can check in Dagobert with 1 person, than we split the reservation for the next days
We have to check in Dagobert. Afterwards we split the reservation into 10th till 11th August (1Pax) and 11th till 14th August (2Pax). Then on the 11th we have to check out Dagobert and check him in again with his friend.
Reservations can only be split once the guest is checked in, as this feature is meant for room changes. If we apply the changes before (hence we get the info a few days prior), we have to manually add an additional reservation to the system and shorten/adapt the other reservation.2.Additional guest arrives one day later, guest tells us on the same day
Same procedure as described in 1
3.Additional guest arrives later and leaves earlier on August 13th
Split reservation and set 2 persons from August 11th, than shorten reservation for departure date August 13th, after than create a new reservation for August 13th till August 14th with 1 personBasically we need 3 separate reservations for this case. Single Use from 10th till 11th, Double Use from 11th till 13th and Single Use from 13th till 14th. Either you start splitting (Which is only possible after you check in a reservation) or you create those 3 reservations manually, in any case you always have to check out the old reservation and check in the new reservation.
Last but not least we have to inform our housekeeping team, that the stays checked out were not really departures but actually stayovers.
Mélissa Lalaus commented
Hello, what is the update on this?
We encounter the same issue here. We need to be able to change the number of guests for each night in one accommodation to make sure our city tax and occupancy related product are right. Moreover this will ensure our statistics are correct. -
Mariann Ravbjerg commented
Would be great for our hostel as well. Often customers book a dorm private, meaning they decide how many of the rooms are occupied. So maybe 1 night they will stay 4 people in a 4bed dorm, but next night only 3 are staying. Due to fire regulations we need the accurate number of guests in house. Now we then need to make 2 seperate reservations, which is not ideal specifically for housekeeping. since the room is not a departure room that is to be cleaned on the 2nd day.
Chris Maitz commented
Hey lovely MEWSies :)
Do you have any updates/further input with the additional information we've provided with the examples? -
Chris Maitz commented
Hi Aldair,
Simone asked me to answer/clarify for her.They are selling only entire units (rooms, apartments, lodges), but as there are products, taxes and sometimes additional accommodation fee connected to the person count, this can not be adjusted at the moment.
Easy example:
There is a reservation for an apartment for 5 nights. 1 person is arriving on the second day. They would not have to pay for breakfast and city tax.More complicated:
There is a lodge with a base rate for 6 people. 5 people stay for the entire stay an 2 more people arrive one night later. In this case, the whole process is getting very complicated, as the person count can not change per night. Additionally, all the "correction products" we have to book right now, are very confusing on the bill as well.If you need further information, please let us know.
Thank you,