Pre arrival email template
It would be useful to have a mail template to be sent a few days before the guest arrival, as a reminder, but also to let them have directions to the hotel, useful info regarding events during their stay etc.

Hi Mewsers!
We have template called “Before start” which is automatically sent 48 hours before the guest’s arrival.
This template is partially customizable. You can customize Subject, Headline, and Paragraph. (please see the attachment)
Find more about the customization of our e-mails in our guide:
Have a great day,
Nick Vlaeminck commented
Can we somehow change the automatically sendet templates on booking, Expedia, etc... that customers receive directely after their reservation?
If this questions is already asked before, please send me a link how to adjust these templates, … if possible..
roger.erkens commented
A fully customizable before start mail in html is an absolutly need as on all other mails it's possible.
We need it Now.
Thanks Dev-Team to make it happen.
Benoit Thewys commented
Is it really released? Or they just thing their release answered our needs?
roland.galliker commented
Not only should it be customizable, BUT ALSO in the guest language. At present all mail (pre-, post, invoices) are sent in system language !!!! When will it be possible to have guest needs at a top priority ?
Robbert Van Rijsbergen commented
any news on when this would be fully customizable (HTML)??
Kurt Unterhuber commented
Is an important issue ... but ignored as usual by Mews Dev Team!!!
mko commented
At the moment it is not possible to process the 48 hours before arrival mail. This can be read in the Mews documentation and was confirmed by the support.
However, this mail would be the most important message for us to customize. -
Martin Dyrholm commented
We need that NOW:-)