voucher code analysis
We currently can only filter for used vouchers and are not able to filter for used voucher codes.
This forces us to create multiple vouchers in case we want to analyse certain cooperations.
If would be much more useful, if we could also filter the reservations report by "voucher codes" --> this would enable us to use e.g. one PROMO Code marketing voucher and give if various voucher codes.

Benoit Thewys commented
I was pointing out the importance of being able to search the reservation report based on vouchers.
At the moment, we can only sort by voucher, but we cannot search for a specific voucher.
If we want to know how many times a voucher has been used over the year, it is not possible. Indeed, we would need to take all reservations and search month by month, as the search scope is too large to run for longer periods. Then, we would need to manually sort the reservations from the list received (as all reservation have a voucher even the ones who do not have a voucher are listed as "no-voucher"... so the list is uge). -
David Foxx commented
It surprises me that we are enabled with the ability to create multiple voucher codes within a single voucher name yet there's no way to extra data to indicate who redeemed which of the multiple codes.
As a marketer, unique voucher codes determine the effectiveness of the media in which the code ran. When Mews reports all redemptions under the name, this negates the purpose of using one name but creating multiple codes.
What frustrates me more about this is learning in 2024 that this issue was submitted October 17, 2019, but no Mews knowledge base article calls this out so someone like me doesn't create a whole season's worth of voucher codes, uses them, and then has no way to report on the effectiveness of the individual media that ran each code. :/
Jonas Mog commented
It can't be true that this is not possible to track. Now I don't know how to evaluate and account for an agreement.
Brian Starr commented
Agreed, please!!
Sijtske commented
this is very essential to optimize the usage of voucher codes but i see this ticket is open from 2019 so not sure it this really is going to happen...
Will Jordan commented
We used to run incentive programs for our staff members, who all have their own booking codes for selling rooms. We had to discontinue that program because we can't see which codes are being used.