reservations longer then a year
We have received an error message 'reservation too long'. Currently reservations can only be accepted < 365 days. We need to be able and show there is business for long stays for our stakeholders and therefore splitting the reservations provide wrong information regarding the LOS. I would advise extending this time frame to 2 years

Hello, reservations longer than a year can be created through monthly bookable services functionality. The maximum length is restricted to 5 years.
In the coming months, the team will focus on improving the functionality for long stays (monthly reservations) and introduce pro-rating, flexible housekeeping and product posting.
Read more about the monthly services here.
Kind regards,
Martin Kucera
Senior Product Manager
Simone Steins commented
should be unlimited LOS
Kathrin Steingraber commented
Please extend this time frame to 2 years!
rebecca.suiker commented
With the current changes in the market, I suspect even more Mews users could benefit from adding the option for reservations >365 days.
Would be great to see it implemented.