Disable Messaging
Please make the Messages/chatfunction optional or opt-out.
We don't want to use this tool to communicate since we now have to keep an eye on yet another system. Next to our socials, Whatsapp, mail, phone etc. etc.

Please make it optional to deaktivate this. it is important to our operations.
Mikkel Wiik - Steel House Copenhagen commented
It's crucial for our operation to at least have the opportunity to deactivate this function. Please look in to this
Rikke F commented
It has been requested I can see from other properties for many years now.
Please look into making it optional -
Sophie Hübertz commented
Possibility to active and deactivate the “Send us a message” button from the guest reservation page.
Norbert Nica commented
DISABLE THIS FUNCTION!!!! - we received message that we did not see as nobody is authorized to see messages. Absolute nonsense from Mews to have this feature when a hotel does not want to use it. You should be billed in case of financial loss for this.
Anne Verbeek commented
It would be really appreciated if the "chat with us" button can be optional. One of the main struggles is all the different platforms guest can choose from and contact us. We are doing everything in our power to channel this towards one platform, mainly WhatsApp. If we can have a WhatsApp button instead of chat with us that would be amazing.
April Smith commented
The guests are experiencing a disservice due to the messaging platform option being available on the MEWS online check in. Specifically, if a company does not opt for the upgraded messaging service, guests are still able to access the platform. However, they are unable to receive responses, leading to a frustrating experience for them. This situation not only reflects poorly on the guest experience but also impacts our reputation for quality customer service.
To address this issue, I kindly request that your company provides an option to remove the messaging feature from guest emails if the upgraded service is not selected. By doing so, we can ensure that guests are not misled into sending messages that will not receive a response, thereby enhancing their overall experience with our services. The fact that this issue is still an issue since this original post in 2020, is concerning. Other than MEWS trying to force companies to pay for another messaging platform, then the hotel chooses to use. It seems self serving in MEWS' favor.
Jonathan Gordon commented
Please make the Messages/chatfunction optional or opt-out.
We don't want to use this tool to communicate since we now have to keep an eye on yet another system. Next to our socials, Whatsapp, mail, phone etc. etc. -
Andrew Hewitt commented
This feature really needs to be optional, especially now you have released SMS, yet another line to monitor
Leila Bedoian commented
Please make this feature optional - as a small property with minimal staff, I will mostly likely miss these messages due to too many forms of communication - thanks!
info commented
Dear Mews Support team, please indeed make the messaging tool optional since we recently have missed out on some guest communications and especially in main season we want to stick to our regular communication possibilities (mail/phone) which works most optimal for us. Thanks a lot in advance for your response!
Justine Pyott commented
Give the option to deactivate the chat function.
Most guests email us and communication through MEWS chat and email is confusing. -
Benoit Thewys commented
I believe we all agree that something must be done for this communication system. Nobody sees or answer it. You could at least send an email to the reception in order the know about the new message and answer it.
Another option would be to sign with a direct messaging channel manager. Maybe this is what you want us to do?
Rutger Leeuwenkuijl commented
Please make it optional.
So I, as a user and partner, can decide to use it or not. From a PMS point of view I can imagine it is tempting to make it rich with all kind of features, so also Messaging. But from a user perspective, and a small entrepreneur, it also should be manageable. And is this case be able to decide to open/close a communication channel. Thank you, -
Amanda Hansen commented
I agree for an option to opt out. We are looking to add a more robust SMS feature via the Marketplace and were told that there is no way to turn off or have the Mews generated chats pushed to our purchased SMS platform. This provides too many channels and confusion for both guests and staff.
Luigi Orsini commented
Or make possible to combine all communications with guest from all different media (incl. history) from within the guest profile.