select personal time for the night audit
Let the acc. provider decide at which time the night audit shout take place.
So it is easier for late arrival or Bars to post there revenue.
Dave Musgrave commented
At the moment, Mews continues to match the actual date and time after midnight, so this is creating problems when night auditors are trying to fix various things for what is now the previous day.
Would it be possible for Mews to remain 'stuck' on the current day at midnight, so that any further postings done throughout the early morning still post as the previous day, THEN when everything's good and ready, the Night Auditor could then 'roll the system' by completing the day just gone, and starting afresh for the new day? It just feels like there should be a bit more control, especially for those of us who are responsible for the days' generated revenues!
Could this be a possibility?