Calendar view; show the available bookable dates per apartment type to guests.
Currently a guest can only search for dates; checkin and checkout. Some guest have a strong preference for a particular apartment type and they want to know on which dates this apartment type is available. Currently this is not possible. Guest can only try a million times by entering dates and hope it is bookable. The solution can be calendar view or at least provide info on which dates there is the first availability. Apartment 'Superior' is available on July 25'th for 4 nights. With a calendar view (see AirBnb example) it is easy to see the free available spots. Easier for guest and they do not have to call to get the information. Easier for hoteliers and occupancy will go up; the free spots (1 - 2 nights) will also be booked.

Review of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase
Kevin Obschlager commented
@ Mews Development. SimpleBooking ist avery nice exmample or OnePageBooking to get the calendar more visible to our potentil guest. When do you think this idea will be put into action ? thx
Helene Larochelle commented
Availability view would make it much easier for guests to find a date with an opening for the suite they want... and more importantly give them an easy way to choose another date if their first choice is booked so they don't walk away without booking.
Horeca Webservice commented
Yes please! To add to this, on the hotel website we have descriptions of each room type with a [Book now] button. When you click on such button, we want to open the booking engine with that room type / package preselected.
Although it's possible to do that with a deeplink (not the widget), it does it with default stay dates, and you can only change them by going back to the first step.
When you then continue, the preselected room type is lost and the guest has to choose again. Have a look how the Cubilis, Smarthotel, SiteMinder and Hoteliers booking engines do this!
I added a related and more detailed request with booking flow suggestion here
maria commented
I am sure this has been requested before, I know I have but I cannot find my original suggestion.
The Booking engine should be in a Calendar format so that guests can see at a Glance which dates are available, either colour co-ordinated or cross out dates.
Currently Guests have to just Guess what dates may be available... pot luck!
Maurits Bots commented
Yes please!
Sijtske commented
It would be much easier for guests to look for availability if there was an availability calendar. Now the guest need to know a date before they can check availability which can cause a lost booking if we do not have rooms on the requested dates.
Tom Barclay commented
Without an indication of availability in the calendar date picker, it's like asking every guest to shoot at a target with a blindfold on. It is amazing to wonder how this hasn't yet made it to the top of what I appreciate is a very complex roadmap.
Sauli Vanhapiha commented
Like many others here; I agree. This is in my perspective one of the key elements for good user experience.
We also get unnecessary phone calls from people who do not see which date certain room type is available.I am satisfied with Mews but also tempted to change Mews because this feature is still missing.
Tobias Koehler | BIG MAMA Hotels commented
please also have in mind to display restrictions. thank you!
maria commented
Please make the Booking engine easier to use !! Every Pms system I know has a calendar view so guests do not have to scroll though many dates to find availability !
Bianca McKell commented
We are shopping an external booking engine just to access a calendar view. Your booking engine would have zero faults if it only had a calendar view.
Brandon Makowski commented
This would be very helpful.
Kai Stückmann commented
It would be very cool if MEWS would make a big update to the calender and search functionallity of Distributor booking engine.
We are missing a roadmap and functionality like searching for x adults and y children for z nights. Many other booking engines are offering this feature and show possilbe stays and restrictions CTA, CTD, Minimum stay) directly in the calender of the booking engine. MEWS is fine but in this step behind competitors...
It would be fine if we had a "midleware" making the calender happen, showing it nearly like DIRS21 or hotel network sulution onepagebooking silution BUT link direkly to the MEWS booking engine (show rooms step of API) after the guest has choosen valid arrival and departure dates. So booking with products/extras would be directly in MEWS without using a channelmanager booking process.
We would love have such a functionaliy.
Maybe a good idea for a few MEWS users to develop this together. Or is the anybody knowing a sulution for this? -
Jena Thornton commented
Offering a calendar view in MEWS would be the decision maker for me to use this system.
Anonymous commented
It would be great if guests would be able to see room availability via Calendar View in Mews Booking Engine.
Gideon commented
Also showing prices in calendar view would be appreciated
Ross Brown commented
In the booking calendar pop up, include each date's lowest price point and blackout dates where there's no availability.
For example, see the Depart date calendar pop up at
Gwenny commented
Is there another format available for our booking engine to see what rooms are available ?
Showing the availability as a "grid or chart " perhaps rather than the guests having to select dates?
Markus Levin commented
Best Available Rate to be displayed already in the first section of the calendar view in Distributor. Similar to an airline "Lowest fare"