Credit Card validity
Should it be possible to improve the control on the EXPIRE DATE.
When guest enter the CREDIT CARD datas, he needs to enter EXPIRY Date.
If date enter later then 'Today', or even later then EFFECTYIVE expiry date, system will accept it, and guest receive a message that card should not be accepted. But he cannot change it. Later, when guest wants to leave, or even wants to use 'Online C/O', the system will not accept the payement, because of wrong 'Expiring date' of CC.
In that case, he have to make a Manual payement at C/O desk, or enter new DATA for CC. If he makes C/O at the desk, he is not always happy (even if we show HIS error). If he reenter new data for CC, he will also not be happy, because of lost Waste of time.
And WE PAY a fee for Each CC enter AND tokenised in the Profile of the guest.