Change Color Choice in Timeline
I find the color choices really strange. For example, when I see grey I think the reservation is from the past, when I see blue I don't feel like I need to do anything. It is not really logical if you don't know what it means.
My color proposal would be the following:
-Gray --> Past reservations
-Black--> Out of Order
-Blue--> To be checked in (Reservations of the day)
-Green --> Already checked in
-Orange--> To be checked out.
-Red--> The check out need to be done, the room was supposed to be checked out before.
-Clearer Grey / White --> future reservations
Just my humble opinion!
Kind regards,
Laura from Yalo Hotel Boutique Ghent.

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Virginie commented
Have the option to choose different colours for different things to highlight in the time line should be a really good improvement.
Virginie commented
Mejoría la gestión de reservas directas.
Virginie commented
Sería de gran utilidad poder cambiar de color las reservas en la visulaización de linea del tiempo.
Por ejemplo para reservas de las cuales necesitemos revisar algo, ponerlas en color amarillo, reservas de grupos-poder tenerlas en un mismo color para poder localizarlas muy rapido en la linea del tiempo etc... Reservas "provisionales" a reconfirmar más tarde con el cliente, tenerlas en otro color etc etc... -
Tea Westelius commented
It is also very annoying that checked in reservations and future reservations have basically the same color. It makes it hard to look in advance and get a feel for how many rooms are checking in a certain day.
Leif Penning commented
Some colours at the timeline to create a better overview would be nice.
For example for different groups, reservations without category binding, travel with wheelchair etc.
Now it's foggy weather. Sry to say, it is maybe up to date colouring and fancy but ...