Option to create “Dummy” Space Categories
Having Dummy spaces is immensely helpful for hotels, so we can place those guests over there. These are those guests who are not going to arrive or who have booked with an invalid cc. By placing the reservation in dummy, we keep them on a waiting list, while at the same time keeping the reservation active on the OTA channel!
It allows us to give preference to guests who pay and weed out fake/ fraud bookers
Dummy allows us to directly release the room online and keep the timeline sorted, without having to change the occupancy/ availability manually every time.
It allows us to make OB's and play with the room types/ categories accordingly as per our pricing strategies
- If this idea is implemented, there must be an option to select/unselect dummy from the manager report, so that it doesn’t interfere with the actual occupancy %

Spaces without assigned categories can be used for this purpose.