Create an item/ product composed of different products with different prices and VAT rates
It would be great to be able to create products (NOT linked as a stay package) composed of different subproducts with different prices and VAT rates, which would show as one package price.
Example: I would like to create a Drinks package of X€, composed of water at Y€ and VAT rate at 10% and of wine at Z€ and VAT rate at 20%. Currently we have to create two products (water AND wine) and it would not appear as a drinks package in the billing line.

NaN commented
It is impossible to work without it - adding the option of two different VATs is very important in these days - many countries use different VATs for one product (for example breakfasts) and to keep things and financial site of bills OK and simple when clicking in MEWS (there are still SO MUCH clicks), this is a very important thing. Please, add this option asap, other softwares already have it or are working on it!
Reservation | The Amauris Vienna commented
Is really necessary to be able to make a difference as taxes are divided in Austria!
mike.faber commented
Very important for Austria and Germany!
Frank Blattl commented
That would be great also for the e.g. breakfast in germany existing of one part with 7% and one with 19% VAT!
maaike.steerenberg commented
It would be very usefull and time efficient! Moreover, it will help to keep the system better organized.
Chantal commented
Would save a lot of manual work!
Gert Jan van der Laag commented
Yes please!
Maurits Bots commented
hi, this would be amazing!
Mariusz Siwkowski commented
is there any update? As mentioned many time this is something needed ASAP.
Kathlyn Voss commented
We need this sooo urgent!