Display NO notes option in reservation report
we would like to display NO notes option in reservation report.

Saray commented
Another solution would be as well to just add the rate code to be shown to the listing "In-house guests", where filter without details is already available. It would provided alreay a useful listing.
Saray commented
It would be useful to be able to select which note category to be displayed ( some reservation notes might be useful) adding a new filter.
It might be useful as well to differentate the reservation notes: ex: Cashier (useful for billing) and other notes (ex. Housekeeping, Reservation, Concierge).
Linda Ohlson commented
Please could add filter with no notes. Sometimes it's needed to have report with data as little as possible.
Linda Ohlson commented
When looking for overall situation, notes (especially when there is a lot) distract the overview.
Mews-AM commented
Export or view a reservation report without notes