Add Operator Check in Statistic to Reservations widget on Mews Dashboard
Mews does not provide the number of check-ins completed using the Mews Operator, In the reservations tile on the Mews dashboard a number of statistics are displayed in a widget. It would beneficial to add the number of Operator / kiosk check-ins to this widget

Claudia M. commented
Additional to my previous comment, Its significant for us to have better visibility on how often the operator checks in a guest vs. our reception team even now in this difficult times where contactless check in is key. At the moment we can just guess how many guest really use the operator kiosk. Some statistics maybe on your new analytic tool would be amazing to see online check in vs. arrivals. Same for online check out and also operator check ins.
Claudia M. commented
I need to present a statistic regular on how many kiosk check in we had. This is impossible as this information is tracked nowhere in MEWS. To make aware on the importance to roll out the operator I need to present numbers, which I cannot at the moment.
Not even the activity report does show the operator check in properly, as its only showing limit numbers of lines, thus there is no workaround. Thanks for getting on this please.