2175 results found
When making a booking and we need to select a date; could we get the dates on the calendar highlighted to let us know something important is
When making a booking and we need to select a date; could we get the dates on the calendar highlighted to let us know something important is happening on this date, i.e bank holiday, special event, wedding, or any restrictions. As when making a booking on Mews, we don't always use the calendar therefor we can miss if there is something important happening on that date.
33 votes -
Option to sort (separate) bills in the 'billing' tab on date
For travel agencies and company guests with routing rules, it is very difficult to quickly identify the date of the reservation . It would be much more useful and convenient if we could have the arrival date displayed at the top of the bill. so there is no need to click on each booking to see the specific date.
6 votes -
Make it possible to edit the rate of an existing availability block
Currently, it’s not possible to change the rate of an availability block once it’s created. To make any adjustments, the block would need to be deleted and a new one created.
It would be very helpful to have the option to modify the rate directly without having to delete and recreate the block.:)
6 votes -
Link reservation to booker
We would like to find the clients' reservation when searching for the organizer in the search bar
6 votes -
Create reservations from dashboard
Be able to create bookings from dashboard and extending or shortening the stay of a booking.
15 votes -
Removing guest from group
It should be possible to remove a guest from a group.
Cancelation and rebooking is not a logical process. The canceled booking stays forever in the group, doesn´t it?Shouldn´t be to hard to develop. ;-)
40 votes -
accounting report - excel export - guest first and last name separat
Hi, we need to filter by last name, but the export only contains first and last name in one cell, so we can only filter by first name.
It couldn´t be to difficult to make a change, couldn´t it?17 votes -
Limit who has permission to export reports
As one of the individual permissions, give the option to restrict exporting reports. With the current phishing attempts it is very important to limit who can export reservations reports.
12 votes -
Report for product cancelations including reason
We have a mandatory field for canelationreason when we cancel a product, but there is no report for checking this proccesses.
We need a report sorted by products with reason, guest name, booking date and cancellation date etc.
As it is now, checking is extremely time-consuming because you have to search for everything individually.15 votes -
Make new company profiles available quickly - prevent delays in checkout process
When creating a new profile to associate with a bill or to issue the bill on the company during check out it takes very long for a new company profile to be available for selection as company owner or associated profile. Sometimes it takes several minutes for the company profile to become available in the input fields!!!
This is unacceptable for most guests and unnecessarily prolongs and delays the checkout process.4 votes -
No post
Can we please create a feature to block room charges for so no one can add any unnecessary charges to rooms
Right now, we are only commenting on bookings that should be on a no post basis, but of course there is human error at one point or another and it is sometimes easy to miss the comment especially when there are multiple information on the booking, and we end up not getting paid for these services sometimes
14 votes -
Separate present and future bookings automatically on bills
Even though you can manually move future bookings to a separate bill it would be really useful if Mews did this automatically. It sometimes gets missed by reception and charged by mistake.
90 votes -
Select multible items to delete from a bill
instead of having to delete one item at a time it should be possible to select more and delete all.
5 votes -
Only show available rates when making a new reservation
To keep the rate query clean it would be great if ratecode that are closed or restricted are not visible in the rate query.
23 votes -
Add country to Excel rooming list
Excel rooming list must have a country field.
For statistics we need to fill in the country (not Nationality) in the customers profile. With large business groups it is easier, to fill this in the Excel rooming list, than to open every customers profile.28 votes -
Add guest name to task list...
...and department, so we do not have to click for the necessary information
17 votes -
Interne Buchungseingabe trotz Restriktion
Sobald eine Restriktion gesetzt ist, kann man auch als Mitarbeiter keine Buchung mehr eingeben. Eine Funktion, die dieses möglich macht, wäre praktisch. Denn manchmal soll nur für extern gesperrt werden, aber intern können Zimmer vergeben werden (zum Beispiel bei exklusiven Veranstaltungen). Jetzt muss man immer die Restriktion löschen, ganz schnell die Buchung einpflegen und dann wieder schnell die Restriktion eingeben damit online nicht gebucht wird. Das ist mühsam und eindeutig ein Mehraufwand.
6 votes -
Good afternoon team mews
In the bill when you click on either go to preview or invoice gives us the option to create the invoice or preview the invoice from there to print it gives us 4 options of how we want to print the bill.
Is there a way to add a new template where the consumption per cheche are the totals as something informative?Currently the mews invoice when creating it gives us the total of all the consumption of all checks and on many occasions the guest asks to know how much was consumed in each check…
22 votes -
Anzahl Personenzahl in Zeitachse
Ich würde mir wünschen, dass in der Zeitachse neben den Namen auch direkt die Anzahl der Gäste im Zimmer angezeigt wird. Da wir Aufbettungen buchbar haben und auch Einzelnutzung möglich ist, hätten wir so in der Zeitachse den besseren Überblick.
4 votes -
Dispay daily rate on the calendar
Displaying the rate (Best rate of the day) on the calendar would save time on two levels:
1- When making a reservation, it would be possible to inform the customer at a glance about the availability of a room and to communicate the rate of the room.2- displaying the rates on the calendar would help to check the correct configuration of the rates and to make changes/adjustments if necessary.
6 votes
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