Combined report for payments and settlements
Created date (day payment was taken)
Total amount taken by Stripe
Combine the Payments and Settlement Reports so that we can see this information in one: Created date (day payments were taken), Total amount taken by merchant [Stripe], Total commission fees, Amount Settled, Date Settled.
Clicking on the Payments for a particular day should go through to the list of payments.
Thank you.

we partially did this with the payout report . more will come with the improvements on the payout report and activity report
Claas Normann Mäder commented
Super request !
We are searching for the same tool as well. Prior to MEWS Merchant / MEWS PAYMENT , we had this full report in one page set up, and excel spredsheet for the accounting dept. We now have to manually work around the excel to get the PayOut Amount and the correct Payment / Bill Nr into one report.