Include cancellation policies in reservation confirmation email
Would be great if cancellation policies can be added in reservation details mentioned in booking confirmation received by customer.
Like this, he is fully aware of specific cancellation policies, even if booking directly with hotel via phone or email.

Martijn Coolen | Slow Travel Solutions commented
absolutely critical, even more after the implementation of the policy override functionality
Max Seidel commented
We are talking about the booking confirmation sent through mews after a booking via the MEWS BE or directly with the front desk/res department.
YES, very important, that the guest knows what he booked:dates, price per night or per stay, cancellation policy, payment policy
This is absolutely critical.
José Drenth commented
very important!!
Nathalie Nieuwenhuis commented
Great idea!
innkeeper commented
In today's hospitality world, guests except stays that are customized to them and their experience. Each rate has a cancellation policy. We create unique cancellation policies for different rates, so Mews should take the cancellation policy that corresponds to the booked rate and include it in the confirmation emails sent to guests.
Isabelle Lamsma commented
urgent request
sanne.van.der.molen commented
Urgent request
Kashif Mahmood commented
Please add asap
denise.huver commented
We really need this!
Jasmin H. commented
In the same way, it is important for our company to be able to individually adapt various cancellation periods for major events in the vicinity of an international trade fair. The solution for this should not be to have to create huge amounts of rates.
Mary-Ann Reservations commented
if your cancellation policy changes, after a guest booked and they ask for their confirmation as they lost it, they will now receive the new policy which is actually not applicable for that reservation and there is no way to avoid that which is absolutely not ok. You should always be able to resend their confirmation they way they received it initially
Michele Nosari commented
Display the description of the Rate Group on the payment page. It is cumbersome to users that the only way to communicate deposit and cancellation policy text is within each and every rate plan. It is not sustainable and lots of opportunity for error. The policy text should be associated with the rate group not the rate plan and should display on the payment page.
Toni Garau commented
Each rate has a cancellation policy.
Mews should take the cancellation policy that corresponds to the booked rate and include it at the "inquiry", "optional" and "confirmation" e-mails sent to guests.
We would appreciate also the possibility to select a customised template from a drop down list: Useful for special conditions (not standard) as groups, corporate bookings with existing contract.
*Please allow us to generate customised templates!On the other side, the notes written in the notes field should appear in the "inquiry", "optional" and "confirmation" e-mails sent to guests. There is were we make clear special notes for the reservation, requests, or special conditions for that specific reservation.
It is important that guests see they receive their offer / confirmation, and not just an automatic standard e-mail, and it should include as mentioned above, notes from the person that managed the booking /assisted the potential guest by phone.
epicolo commented
The T&C presented only during for CheckIn in Navigator should be visible for customer even when receiving an Inquiry, because they must be aware of the T&C before to confirm the booking.
lisa.dombrowsky commented
Very important. I would love it if you had for example five different "buttons" in the reservation mask with five different cancellation policies behind them. And the selected one will also show in the confirmation.
Anonymous commented
I agree. It will also be easier on who ever deals with reservations so you can know exactly how to penalize or not penalize a customer based on the time stamp of the cancellation notice. I hope that Mews can bring this feature in, let’s gets some votes in mewsers.
Luigi Orsini commented
Also with groups