Multiple restrictions in place at the same time
Currently the system has two logic when you want to apply an exception to a restriction: merge with existing exceptions or replace all exceptions but sometimes it is behaving the same way.
For example: I want a rate to be available if people stay 3 nights or 7 nights (not 4, 5 o 6 as this will create availability gaps), the system does not allow you, when you try to put the second exception it replaces the first one. The solution I have been given its to create 2 different rates, but I cannot create a new rate every time I have an exception.
The solution would be to change the logic, currently it sees both restrictions as the same one because both are based on the length of stay even if they are not the same so the ideal would be to not replace the previous one or to be able to add more than 1 case scenario to the same rate.