Better view of Inquired reservations
please add Inquired reservations in both places, Reservation Overview and the Availability & Occupancy report
Is it possible to get a better view of the Availability & Occupancy report to also include INQUIRED reservations?
Per today we can see the number of Optional reservations and Inquired blocks, but not Inquired reservations - which would to get a clearer overview of wait listed reservations.
Per today, the only way to find the INQUIRED reservations is a very complicated and time consuming way, you have to go through the Reservations report and choose Inquired.
But On the Reservation Overview - used every day several times a day - you can only choose Def and Optional, not Inquired.
So please add Inquired reservations in both places, Reservation Overview and the Availability & Occupancy report
This will make the waitlist work much more efficient and it will be quicker to reply and sell to guests.

Ingela Maria Sjöberg commented
Hi, any news about this update request? We would also like to get the Inquired reservations in a box on the dashboard, so it's easy to see the Today's Inquired reservations, like we do for Arrivals and Departures.
Kaylee van Sitteren commented
Where can I find all the inquired reservations?
Is there a report or something I can print?Kind regards,
Kaylee van Sitteren
ML -
Kaylee van Sitteren commented
When your rooms are fully booked you can put the guests on the waiting list. Whenever there is a cancellation you can call the guests and tell them that they can stay with you.
Wajda commented
Reservation is booked, but not taken from the availability.