Store & search for proforma invoices in Mews
Actually you can create a proforma invoice and print it as PDF, but it is not stored in Mews. So, if you like to find it weeks later, there is no chance. E.g. if you like to know on which guest you have created it.

Review of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase
Susanne Holzwarth commented
This is very critical for our reconciliation, because Deposits/ Proforma Invoices especially for groups can't be found in MEWS and they are also not in the Omniboost Report!
Daphne commented
Urgent please!
Jesse Bielas commented
Yes please! We need this as guests will use it to pay by bank transfer and there is no way to search the proforma invoice, making it almost impossible to know where to apply the payment.
Aleksandra Jacel commented
please, update the topic
Toni Garau commented
We use Proforma invoices to get pre-paid by companies and groups. When they pay per bank transfer they specify the Proforma number, but surprise! we are not able to find the proforma the payment is linked to. Please enable Mews to store Proforma Invoices !!!!!
Bahssi Mohamed commented
I agree with @benoit Thewys
Benoit Thewys commented
Indeed, the proforma code given by the proforma counter is not searchable. When our guests use it as payment reference, our accounting department is not able to find it back in the system. And they often cannot find it back using the name of the company as, very often, the guest is not the one who pays...
Lefevre commented
Proforma invoices are a great tool to provide customers with a projected price for any accommodation or services. After these are created and sent to guests, it is currently not possible to recover them for future reference. Rather, by using a proforma invoice tracker, these documents to be available by staff after initial creation as needed.