Cancel products for group reservations
We can add products to all reservations simultaneously, but it is not possible to cancel them with one command. With the ability to cancel items from all bookings at the same time, managing stay products will become much more simplified.

Laurent Perret commented
Hi Mews Team,
How far are you into solving this problem that was requested 5 years ago ?
Is it so complicated? Thanks for an update on this topic -
elin.larsen commented
Hi, Changed a big group from breakfast to half pension, to remove accomodation adjustment breakfast I have to remove one room by one room. Please make it possible to remove it on all rooms at once. Takes to long time. Or even better, let it be removed automaticly when the price rate is changed.
Mariann Ravbjerg commented
We have just changed our breakfast prices.The tasks lying ahead of me of going into to every group ....and every reservation in that group....then day by day cancel the breakfast item which has been entered with the old price. only to add it again for it to refresh with the new price.
stupid-monkey-work! -
Simone Wenk commented
For example we are dealing with this situation at the moment:
We have a group booked and added an Item for breakfast.
Now we want to cancel this item, because they decided not to have breakfast.The group is very big and staying for 3 months.
So our normal way to go to cancel every item step by step will take ages! -
Stefan K. Madsen commented
It would save many hotels a lot of time, if you could select many different products at once, instead of having to press on the "cancel" botton in Items. Many hotels has breakfast as a standart product when making a reservation. This has shown to be an issue when there have been made an agreement with a long term guest, who have got the room without breakfast. By adding in a way of cancelling more than 1 item at a time, you would be able to save alot of time. -
Manon Van Megen commented
I agree,
thirza.perdok commented
Yes, I totally agree.
marta.pokropek commented
100% agreed! This will save a lot of time for very big groups, as it is incredibly time consuming to remove each product individually.
Erik Kei commented
It's currently very time consuming to cancel added products. Would be awesome to be able to cancel all products with one command for a group.
Hanan Khalil commented
The way the group services are loaded can be very complicated, especially as groups tend to make multiple changes prior to their arrival. Going through and cancelling services room by room can be very tedious when dealing with groups. Maybe there is a way to have the services merge as one, and be able to manipulate it as one booking when it comes to groups, rather than by room. Or if all the rooms have the same service applied, we can have the option of cancelling it all together too.