202 results found
Die zu erledigenden Aufgaben in der Dashboard-Liste sollten auswählbar sein. Derzeit sind zuviel Nonsens-Aufgaben darin und die Liste verliert damit ihre Übersicht und ihren Sinn
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gasten in huis rapport als pdf
Goedemorgen team,
Wij draaien elke avond het Gasten in Huis Rapport uit voor onze nachtportier, via het rapport en dan print als pdf, top want dan zie ik alleen het kamer nummer en de gast naam!
Maar als ik dit wil automatiseren en dus een automatisch rapport hiervan in de inbox laat komen heb ik enkel de optie tussen Excel, Json & CSV.
Bij de Excel versie komt ook het email adres mee wat niet wenselijk is en de opmaak van alle drie zijn niet erg lekker lezen zoals het pdf wel is.
Is het mogelijk om dit soort rapporten…2 votes -
Ability to export a large file in PDF (not only Excel)
Right now, if a report is large (example: over a year's time), Mews is slow, and we therefore need to export in Excel instead of "View Report". It would be great if it could be exported to PDF as well.
1 vote -
Sort and filter accouting ledger
Since we have a lot of prepayment our accounting legder is massive. It would be great to be able to filter to see only bookings with "open past revenue" and to filter the date of that revenue.
2 votes -
Create Reservation Report-link with specific filters
Create an automatic scheduled Reservation Report-link with specific filter on default. Just like the scheduled reports that we have today, but that we only receive an link / URL directly to the list in Mews. Also in a security perspective - that we don't have our guest's name sent to our emails everyday with all the booking information. It would be more secure to receive a link so you need to actually log in to Mews to have all the data.
It is so much easier to handle the Reservation List directly in Mews, than operate with PDF.list's.
1 vote -
YOY Bookings + Revenue + Occupancy by Month as Trends
When searching for forecasting future facing occupancy and revenue data, there is not currently a report that allows us to see occupancy and revenue data by month, by space category, and compared to the same data at this time in previous year(s).
What I'd request is a report that allows the data to be formulated as compared to previous year(s) as of a specific date. The example would be if a property currently has 500 nights pre-booked for 2025 for $100,000 in gross bookings, and last year at this point there were 300 nights pre-booked for $65,000 in gross bookings.…
2 votes -
Forecast report
Hi there,
I would like to ask if there is a possibility to work on a report in order to calculate the forecast for the coming months. I have been looking at both the ‘Manager Report’ as well as the ‘Reservations Report’, and unfortunately I can't find the way. Has anyone had the same question as me and found a way to work on it? Thanks in advance.
Thank you in advance.
Asensio2 votes -
Reservierungsbericht nur mit An-Abreise, Personenanzahl (Kinder und Erwachsene), Produkte und Notizen
Ein Bericht, ähnlich dem Reservierungsüberblick nur mit folgenden Informationen für das externe Housekeeping:
1. Gliederung in Zimmerkategorien
2. Anreise und Abreise
3. Name des Gastes (optional)
4. Anzahl Personen gegliedert in Kinder und Erwachsene
5. Produkte (Hund, Late Check-out, Early Check-in usw.)
6. Gästenotizen und Hauseigene NotizenDieser Bericht sollte ebenfalls automatisch gesendet werden können.
3 votes -
Breakfast list to be printed with room number only
Hi Mews
We wish to send the breakfast list to our supplier along with the next day's breakfast orders. The product checklist is very useful, but we’d like to know if it’s possible to remove the guest names and display only the room numbers instead.
Additionally, is there a way to automate this process by scheduling the list to be exported and sent out?
Warm regards
Thank you!
5 votes -
Include Optional Bookings Data in Availability & Occupancy Report Export
Currently the 'Optional Reservations' and 'Optional Blocks' are available in the dashboard view of the Availability & Occupancy Report. However, this data is not included in the export. Please make this data available in the export as well so we can work with it.
16 votes -
printable reports : Check-list
Make the checklist report printable/exportable to create a communication report for the reception and the restaurant. It should provide a list of the different rooms with their packages: breakfast and dinner options, along with the number of people in each room. This will give a detailed summary to bill the correct amount per room. It must be printable, as screenshots are not an option when there are many reservations. This report can be used for many products, not just restaurant items.
All reports should have the option to be printed, because not everyone in a hotel has access to a…
4 votes -
Add a pdf printable option to the new in house guest report
Add a pdf printable option to the new in house guest report
2 votes -
A report of all payments and deposit made in a specific date range and linked to reservations in specific date range as well
It would be really helpful to get a report of all payments made into a specific date range and linked to reservation in another specific date range as well (for example: list of the deposits paid in 2024 but linked to reservations for 2025)
2 votes -
Additional and/or customizable frequency options for scheduled reports
Currently reports can be scheduled to run hourly, daily, weekly, monthly etc.
It would be helpful to have more options ie. 6-hourly, fortnightly etc. and/or the ability to set a custom frequency for report exports ie. 6AM, 2PM, 6PM to correspond with staff shift times.
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New report to see lead time
I would like a report that can show me; arrival date, lead time for the arrival date with either a travel agent profile, company or source for the booking and rate for the booking could be rate code. This report should be possible to pull for a year, month per day. I know I can use reservation report, but I still need to put it in a excel sheet and then make my own pivo.
1 vote -
Reservation Report - Showing 0 in Rate & Total Amount for prepaid reservations
The Reservation Report shows 0 EU/SEK/NOK in Rate if a reservation is prepaid. This makes it harder to calculate reservation amounts in an exported version of the Reservation Report. The Rate should not be 0 no matter if the reservation is paid or not.
1 vote -
Report that includes commission amounts being paid to travel agencies
A report that shows what commission amounts are due to travel agencies.
3 votes -
New and existing report
We wish to be able to modify or get modify existing reports as well as create or getting new reports created.
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Purchased Product Notifications
(1) Enable notifications specific to products purchased/booked by guests or added by staff to a bill (not just from the OCI flow, but from any time the product is sold).
(2) Enable a feature that can filter reservations by Products purchased/booked.
2 votes -
Invoice sending notification
Earlier we were able to see the invoice on the profile with the notification of closed and sent. This now has been moved the report. We do benefit to see on the profile as this can result in sending the invoice again if the Reception are not confident whilst processing the check out procedures. Going to the report is an option but will be time consuming. Having a report is beneficial for management to track and trace on daily folio sending
2 votes
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