Autofill for Mews booking engine
I realised that the Mews booking engine does not use labels for the form (first name, last name, email address, ...). Autofill won't work properly.
Most browsers support autofill and I think Mews should make use of that. It will bring more convenience for guests.
You can find more information on this topic here:

Georg Gaag commented
The 1Password replied with the following feedback:
"After speaking with our development team, 1Password has specific limitations when using "iframes". As a first step, they've made a suggestion to pass on to the developers of this page to not use an iframe element without a src attribute. As they noticed that was missing from the code."
Georg Gaag commented
I just realised that autofill actually works in the Mews Booking Engine.
Just 1Password has troubles with it in my case. But on my phone (iOS, Safari), it actually works.
I have contacted 1Password support to see what they say.