Get more power and involvement from other hotels for new ideas
I see a lot of cool ideas from all Mews customers, but it would be so nice if any hotel could comment on each idea.
If I put in a idea I need to wait a very long time for the voting process. What I would suggest, when a new idea is written by a hotel, is that Mews sends a message or emails to all its hotels (divided over several days to prevent spam emails). I am not looking at the new ideas a lot, because I am too busy with other things. If I would be notified I would definitely will vote.
Hello from the Mews Product Team. Thanks very much for your feedback on our portal. This is a great suggestion. As you mentioned, we don't yet send e-mails for every idea posted as it can get overwhelming. However, we are happy to take this into consideration and will look into finding the right way to keep all of our customers informed.