automated Payment request
To avoid or at least limit the number of chargebacks, since at the moment the system is not checking the validity of the card used for the reservation, it would be convenient to have the possibility to automate the Payment Request and to be able to configure its sending according to the type of rate (for example, for the NR, sending as soon as we receive the reservation). It would be a more secure method for the payment of the reservation than the automatic payment through Mews, since the client himself carries out the transaction.
Or, on another hand, please do something about credit card fraud.

Alicia Szerszyn commented
We also agree this is critical to our operation
David Brook commented
This is a critical upgrade as costing businesses dearly!
Rebecca Lane commented
Applying security measures to third party bookings is a priority for us and no doubt most properties in current climate. This is where most fraudulent transactions occur yet 3DS can’t apply to these bookings. As mentioned already below - workarounds are possible, but time consuming, and heavily detract from the ‘automation’ benefits of the system. Feedback from customers & reservations team, is that sometimes the payment request link doesn’t work when sending to the encrypted email addresses either, so even the lengthy workaround is not ideal.
Andrew Hewitt commented
Safely taking payment is paramount. We have a work around of not setting any payment rule for all OTA booking, this means we have to set a task to send a payment request to all Hotel Collect bookings which is a large job and very time consuming.
Being able to set a payment automation to 'send payment request' on the rate group rules would save a lot of valuable time.
The ideal solution is to make all payments no matter what go through 3DS secure, not just payment requests, but in the interim being able to automate sending payment requests will be a good addition.