External name space types
When we use the space types in combination with the booking engine, the name of the space type is displayed very prominently in the booking proces.
When you book a house, boat, bicycle or special accommodation instead of a room, the booking engine shows it as e.g. a site.
We would like to see this at least as an external name that you can change to whatever you want.

Hello from the Mews product team.
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
jorgen.wang commented
We need to keep apart to different locations for reports, but both are "rooms" and merged in reports. If I change to "bed" instead people booking get unsertain when thay want to book a single room, but the booking engine displays "bed"
Need a fix quickly!!!!!
Eighter more categories to choos from - or beeing able to add yourselv
Naomi de Bruijn | Dutchen commented
Ja graag dit idee plaatsen!
Mick.Vazquez commented
Allow custom Space Category names to be displayed in booking engine.
Similar to Rates & Products create a External Space Category field in which we can set an external customer centric name.