Customized Mews Booking Engine - Click Logo to Return to Home Screen
When you are in the booking engine, the property logo appears at the top left. On most websites, when you select the logo it brings you back home. In the Mews Booking Engine it does nothing. There is an "X" Box at the far top right corner that accomplishes this but with some users the "X" may mean to close the window. It would be a nice feature to be able to click on the logo and return to the home screen where ever you are in the booking engine.

Andrew Hewitt commented
This is super important folks, especially with META space now being an important factor. If you cant get back to your website from the booking engine, META Space becomes and issue and people have to use external booking engines
Steve commented
Hoping this can get implemented. The intuitive UX would be to set the company logo to click through to the company website.
Femke van der Meer commented
This would help a lot e.g. when working with META search the guests go right away into the distributior. In case they would like to go to the brand website to find more information, it would be great if they can select the logo to be directed to a preinstalled page per booking engine.
Femke van der Meer commented
It would be a great feature to have when you work with distributior links to have the option in the booking engine setup to add a links which displays under the logo to bring you to the certain page.