improve managing companies
now it takes a long time to link companies to a master. as you always have to scroll (remembering where you were), click in, add master. and wait for 4, 5 sec and then go back to companies, scroll again, click in ...
instead of - better - be in the master and just add the companies
Idea that requires more feedback from all of you! How to improve managing of companies? Thanks in advance!
Rena Gembler commented
Wenn man eine Firmenadresse anlegt gibt es nur eine Zeile für den Firmennamen.
Für Rechnungen sind meistens noch Abteilungen oder Ähnliches einzutragen. Wir bräuchten für viele Firmen mindestens 3 Zeilen für den Firmennamen.
Außerdem kann man bei einer Firma keine E-Mail-Adresse einspeichern.
Es wäre gut wenn man Rechnungen per E-Mail nicht nur an den Gast sonsder auch an die Firma schicken kann, so dass man als Auswahl "E-Mail Kunde" und "E-Mail Firma" hätte. -
Luigi Orsini commented
Improve company profiles with history (billing, communication, reservations) and link with multiple contacts (booker, contact, billing). also: multiple e-mails would be nice.
ronald.schuster commented
As I am still mastering... You could not see in the Master which companies are connected, if there is something wrong, missing.
You always have to go back to companies and start with A - scrolling down to where you were. It takes soo too much time...
ronald.schuster commented
i have to correct myself - and this is not a good sign... it already takes up to 10 sec to wait until something is saved after adding the master. and we are just 1 year with mews.imagine our database of companies in 2, 3 years...