Phone number country code selector
Currently, phone number is entered as part of a guest's personal information in Mews Navigator or as part of their profile in Mews Commander. As guests enter their number, currently there are no formatting requirements, which can make it difficult as many guests travel from other countries and their country codes are often not included as part of that data. An additionally required country code selector could help clarify all entered details and ensure that all contact information is correct and usable.

AdminDorothy Roland (Admin, MEWS) commented
Currently, even when a number is communicated from an OTA or CHM, the '+' sign is not included in the logs, nor does Mews interpret the country code and area code as distinct codes in the profile. The country & area codes appear as a whole number with the telephone number instead.
The necessity for accurate phone codes in Keyless Solutions poses significant challenges in communicating effectively with guests. This issue has a profound impact on the guest experience.
Madis Karu commented
It is critical if you send room keys by sms
Cathy-Lisa Michel commented
It would be interesting to be able to enter the phone number and Mews would take care of the formatting. Depending on the country code, it could separate the digits at the right place according to their number and the country's usage.
Christian Furtner commented
Right now there are no formatting requirements if data is entered manually.
Christian Furtner commented
If you change the "+" before a phone number with 00 you won't find the guest profile when searching for the guest with his/her/their phone number. It should be possible to find the guests profile even if the phone number is saved in a different format in Mews.
Lene Thorsen commented
This is also very important in regads to online check in inviations being sent via sms. If we dont have the correct country code there is no way they will receive this info