be able to add Tip via the Mews Terminal via Mews PMS
be able to add Tip via the Mews Terminal via Mews PMS

Katherine Fry commented
Hello! Since our property made the switch from Protel to Mews we have been impacted negatively and noticed a big change in staff's salaries. I've been told multiple times there would be a solution by the end of year but every time I contact someone from Mews support they say there are no solutions for adding tips at the moment. Not sure why it's such an issue as every other PMS + payment terminal is able to offer this option. Best choice is to have it directly on the terminal with option for percentage or custom amount.
David Foxx commented
This is a routinely asked question by our Guests and in the touch-free, post-pandemic era, this should definitely be on the to-do list for upcoming enhancements!
The current language asking Guests if there's anything to add with an example of minibar provided suggested that all Mews properties have minibars when they do not and it omits other features that could be property-specific, including at a minimum, the ability to leave Staff members a gratuity.
Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
I would like to add, that it would also be nice to have such a feature during online CheckOut. Actually, it should be pretty easy to develop. There is the existing feature to claim services/products (additional services) during online CheckOut. However, currently products under additional service may only have a fixed price. I suggest to extend this functionality similar to service attached products to also have the ability to make them calculate relatively based on the total service charges.
This way we could for example set it up like this and have a nice product claim of
Tip / Gratuity
→ add 1% Tip
→ add 2% Tip
→ add 5% Tipat Online CkeckOut. I bet most would select 2% (or whatever is the middle option) :-)
Maybe some nice remark on the CheckOut page “Would you like to add some tip”?
I think this would be easier to implement than with the terminal, because it only needs to be implemented on the MEWS side, no terminal software involved, right? However, I agree that on the terminal it would reach more customers… also during the actual terminal payment people do not really pay attention to the display on the terminal (I wonder if they check the actual amount ...), they would be confused be a step like “would you like to add some tip”? And how much? To much decisisons for the stressful payment, i guess.