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n the Connectivity forum, we welcome your ideas and comments for helpful linkages between Mews and the rest of your technology stack. There's a category here for:

  • Each of our APIs - the booking engine, channel manager, connector. distribution and multi-property APIs
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169 results found

  1. Can we have the Creator and the Closer in the from the Bills & Invoices report be available on the back-end data so we can use it for user reporting and monitoring?

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  2. The new reservations/getAll endpoint & the new bills/getAll endpoint both use a new AccountId(s) field. This field can contain a customer or a company.

    In the case of the reservation AccountIds field, we would possibly need to do two requests per AccountId to fetch the required information.

    It would be a lot easier if there was an accounts/getAll endpoint where we could fetch the information with just a single request.

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  3. 3 votes

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  4. Some properties needs a proforma invoice to share with the customer before the real one after checkin or check out. Mews has this funtionality only via back offie, but not from the API.
    We need ta way/method to generate using Api the following documents:

    • proforma invoice/bill preview

    Thank you in advance.

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  5. From an accounting perspective, we need the invoice date, this is either IssuedUtc or TaxedUtc to post the invoice and do all tax stuff. Filtering bills/getAll by this dates is a must to post invoices correctly.

    The other part is match the accounting data with Mews data, we will need a Issued/Taxed filter on the Invoices and Bills report in the Finance module. I've voted for another idea that asks for this:

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  6. There is currently no way to know when two accounts have been merged which leads to deprecated data in the partner system

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  7. Es wäre super einen zusätzlichen Filter im Marketplace zu haben, um in den jeweiligen Kategorien noch feiner zu sortieren. Z.b. in 'Gebäudemanagement' nur die Schlüsselsysteme zu finden.
    In der Kategorie 'Gebäudemanagement' sind eine Vielzahl mehr Themen und es ist wirklich schwer entsprechende Anwendungen rauszufinden.

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  8. In addition to the "Connector API: Settlement Rules" request (see link), it would be really helpful to see the details of all planned and triggered settlement rules per reservation.

    So we could more accurately inform the guests how and when their payment will be settled and charge them immediately if an already triggered settlement request has failed.

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  9. In the Rates API, I can search by "ExternalIdentifier", which is "Rate key" in the UI.

    Under Space Category in the UI, I also have a "Space category key", which, however, is NOT searchable by "ExternalIdentifier" in Resource(Categories)/GetAll.

    This seems odd to me, because I can only imagine that that is there for the same intended purpose as with "Rate key". However, it is not implemented. Could this be implemented, please?

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  10. With the current endpoints we can pull all available rates. However, some of the rates are restricted, which we only know about when creating reservation.
    Ideally, Mews would provide an endpoint with takes restrictions into account, so only actual available rates are provided.

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  11. Our demo environment that we use for testing purposes is full of rates created from availability blocks. We should have the possibility, at least in staging environments, to delete the rates (via the API or a mass delete feature in the UI).

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  12. Both services/getAvailability and rates/getPricing support one single ServiceId parameter.
    Extending them to support multiple ServiceIds would lower number of API calls and help to minimize 429 error. Too many requests, when the limits are "used"

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  13. Explore the possibility to send adjustments to the rate price via the API. For both the extra occupancy and the age categories

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  14. When using the connector API I would like to get add company id's to get vouchers linked to those companies.

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  15. As an example the Title selected in Guest profile is 'Mr.' but the API provided as 'Mister'
    Please do not have a difference between profile and API of the Title field.

    The shorter form of 'Mr' is better for display on phone & TV systems so please provide the title in API as it is in guest profile.

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  16. we are retrieving reservation data and are looking for the attached products.
    Currently, we use /reservations/getAll and extend the items:true. Thin gets us Items with SubType (ProductOrder/SpaceOrder) or Type (ProductRevenue/ServiceRevenue). We are only interested in the Product-reated items.
    to save resources we would appreciate either an extra endpoint /items/getAll (equivalent to /accountingItems/getAll ) with the possibility of filtering those Items after SubType (ProductOrder/SpaceOrder) or Type (ProductRevenue/ServiceRevenue) and reservationIDs or even better a filtering for Type/Subtype in the reservations/getAll endpoint.

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  17. Atm it's not possible to move any position with a value of 0 to an open bill. Since we customize our bills in another way as Mews usually does, we need to move all reservation items to an open bill. This way we can pay all reservation items, close the bill, checkout the reservation and receive a pdf in the end.

    Some of our hotels place 0 value positions on their reservations as reminders. Atm it's not possible to checkout those reservations, since not all reservation items get on the same bill and therefore we cannot "pay" all reservation items.

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  18. It would be great to have a API call that allows, changing of status of a tasks or at least to close a task.
    when using tasks for automations having a status that could be change in the API would make the process much more reliable.

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  19. Problem description:

    When we are getting a 403 Forbidden response, we only have the error message to go on about what the actual issue is. This can be an invalid rate plan or Mews being busy for a minute.

    As documented (, these error messages are translated in the client language, so these can be displayed to the end user.

    For example the 403 Forbidden response on /rates/updatePrice can be this:

    "Message": "Une autre opération est en cours. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques secondes.",
    "DebugDetails": null,
    "Details": null

    This message contains no machine readable information about the…

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  20. Currently, an integration partner that uses group block data (such as Revenue Management Systems, Event Management Systems, Central Reservation Systems, etc.) needs to poll "availabilityBlocks/getAll" at a scheduled interval and are not able to sync availability blocks in real time.
    In order such integration partners to follow the best practices (, they need the general webhooks expanded with new availability block-based events notifying the partners when:
    - an availability block has been created
    - an availability block has been updated
    - an availability block has been deleted
    - an availability block's service availability has changed

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