Provide the updated/created source identifier for get customers/companies
It would be great if Mews provide createdby/updatedby or some boolean identifiers to identify the source of action.
Usecase : Customer creation/update : External API consumers sends customer (loyalty members) profile updates to mews via API calls, Mews in turn sends Webhook events whenever customer updates happens via API calls or Manual updates. As we seek to maintain the synchronisation of customer profiles in both Mews and CRM system, the update events goes to infinite loop if we don't stop using an identifier. for example, Customer profile is updated in CRM then CRM triggers an updated event, this results in update of customer profile in Mews and Mews in-turn triggers customer updated event back and this results in update back to CRM system so this loop continues unless we break in between based on some identifier.
Request Mews to consider the requirement to send back the source identifier so that infinite loop can be broken.