Display More Guest Actions in Reservation Action Log (Pay Now & Pay Later)
The recent Guest Portal update allows guests to either "Pay Now" which can override automatic settlement schedules, or "Pay Later" which takes no action on the payment settlement, per se.
The "Pay Now" can appear like a Payment Request triggered by the guest but it reveals little information as to why that happened in the first place to the hotel (especially if they have a future scheduled settlement). Some are also concerned about the visuals, especially how it looks as if there are 2 payments that could be triggered at any point (even if that is not designed to happen).
A simple "Pay Now Selected by Guest/Customer" should be registered in the action log clearly so the Hotel can be aware but also hold the customer accountable. Essentially, a bit more clear and transparent records of accounts of how some payment requests come to be, especially when customer's names are listed as the creators.