Possibility to send out e-invoice direct to government bodies
In NL, Germany, and Poland, most government bodies require the hotel(s) and businesses they work with to e-invoice them. this method is basically an XML-formatted invoice sent to their systems including various fields that automatically recognize details and expedite payment.
As usual, government bodies are fast paying parties (..) and hence we want to make the process and time spent to send in their invoices as short as possible.
This is a regulation from the EU; https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/NL/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32014L0055
Now we are exporting the PDF, uploading it in a system and adding several fields there (like chamber of commerce numbers, IBAN etc) and this is very time consuming.

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Sander Lardinois commented
The Belgian government currently also only accepts e-invoices and mandates its use for all invoicing from January 1, 2026 (https://www.deloitte.com/be/en/services/accountancy/blogs/actualiteiten/digitale-facturatie-e-invoicing-verplicht-vanaf-2026.html).
It would be great if Mews could look forwards and already implement this now (as it has to be implemented anyway within the next 2 years), as that would already save our hotels a lot of time in making government invoices (which we have to make quite often).