terminal to accept cards from restaurant
Allow Vaucher credit card with a fixed top-up amount offered by companies to employees for lunch expenses (Sodexo, Edenred and Monizze).

Hi everyone, I’d like to know how many of you can give me feedback about the above? What type of cards are those, what can be the use-case? Happy to chat with someone!
Moving the idea to be upvoted!
Merel van Zuiden commented
Hi Jovana, it's about the 1-time credit cards that companies issue for their employees for a stay or a meal in a property. They are called Eco-pass or Eco-cheque, companies that issue these are Sodexo, Edenred and Monizze for example. They provide cards for a specific purpose and are usually charged through terminals. They are either issued by the Eco-pass companies themselves or through Mastercard or Visa.
They are used especially in the French market and the French part of Belgium. The cards are an addition to the salary of employees, so they have to spend their money for a stay at that property.