create option to make nationality and telephone number mandatory fields on Distributor
create option to make nationality and telephone number mandatory fields on Distributor

phone number can be now set as mandatory – you can do it in Distributor settings. How to open your distributor settings Is described in our help guide
Speaking about nationality – what kind of problem are you trying to solve? Why do you need nationality mandatory?
It is currently mandatory in Online check-in which is available for all of your guests.
Michael Klint commented
Here is my late reply to Jakubs question:
- By Law we need to report nationality to the Bureau of Statistics. The problem we wanna solve is to have nationality on all reservations. It would be helpful then, to be able to enable a mandatory setting for nationality in MEWS (not only in the online check-in setup). -
Thomas Lemaitre commented
If a guest do not indicate the nationality and if for exemple Mews have to send an automatic email to indicate that the payment have been rejected, as the nationality is not indicate the automatic message is in the property language by defaut. Guest language is not necessary the one of the property and guest will not understant the message.
Ronald McKay commented
It would be more beneficial to also have Nationality and country of origin, to see where guests are actually travelling from.