Issues with the book for other people
This one is related to the book for someone else feature recently implemented on to Mews which is great but unfortunately when a booking is made like this, it adds the person who it booked instead of who it was booked for, see timecode 1.45 in this case the booking is for Denis Avis but when you go in to the dashboard tab there is nothing added to that booking, so in order to rectify it, we need to manually add it. When searching for the booking number on the search results you get a totally different name (the person who booked it and not who it is for) for that booking number, once found it shows different information to what it was showing initially. After its moved (see video) the invoice will be marked as done even though its not, an invoice still needs to be created. for more detailed information see the video.

Review of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase