102 results found
Tamaño de letra y simbologia en las comandas
Hemos implementado el programa hace unas semanas en nuestros hoteles y en todos estamos de acuerdo en que el tamaño de letra de las comandas es demasiado pequeño.
Nuestra sugerencia es aumentar el tamaño de letra de los platos que aparecen en la comanda (la letra que sale antes de los platos se lee mejor).
Y por otro lado, el simbolo "+" delante de cada modificador en algunos platos (como por ejemplo: los puntos de la carne) tiene un significado y puede llevar a errores durante un servicio. Proponemos utilizar otro simbolo que no tenga ningun tipo de significado en…1 vote -
Display prices on kitchen receipts
Es wäre schön, wenn es möglich wäre die ausgegebenen Bons individueller anzupassen. Wir hätten gerne Preise auf den Bons die in der Küche rauskommen und die Schriftgröße würden wir gerne etwas größer einstellen.
3 votes -
Rounded Invoices and tips
If you ad a % of tips or make a % of reductions, be able to rounded the invoice to the nearest 5 cents as in Switzerland with CHf the 1 cent is not existing to make 100% correct invoices
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With the in house guest report, have the ability to filter the report so it only displays reservations that have this product and not all reservations.
1 vote -
Remember the outlet selection
We have a resort with multiple outlets (reception, restaurant, gift shop etc). When ever we sell something we have to choose the correct outlet every single time. This is somewhat annoying as our POS devices are stationary and always/99% of time tied to a particular outlet. Thus there is absolutely no need to confirm before every sales action that "yes, still the gift shop". Ideally we would select the outlet once and the system would remember that selection until changed. The current way is not very user-friendly.
2 votes -
Digital orders should not need to be accepted
Digital orders should not need to be accepted in the POS and should instead print directly to the assigned printer. We work in a light staffed operation and constantly monitoring a tablet for orders is not efficient. I print out that is clearly visible is much easier for our operation
2 votes -
Bill Customization
Please implement more granular customization options for bills. Specifically, there should be a way to account for the tax on restaurant items being sent by Lightspeed when the tax has already been applied. This is causing significant inconvenience for properties, as they are forced to manually remove the duplicate tax entries in Mews.
Desired outcome:
- The total amount of the Lightspeed Bill to appear in MEWS as one product or line item that is not taxable.
- The Mews bill should only be showing taxes applied to Accommodation
1 vote -
Payment for the client via the RED QR-CODE in order to split the bill
For both the customers and the servers, it would be ideal to offer a QR code that allows customers to place their orders directly from the table (without immediate payment). Then, whenever they wish (for example, at the end of the meal), they could also pay using the same QR code.
This way, they wouldn’t need to wait for the bill. Additionally, if they are a group, they could easily split the bill as they see fit, without taking up the server’s time to process separate payments for everyone.
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Negative Sales Functionality
Enable the ability to process negative sales, allowing refunds to be issued to guests through negative transactions.
8 votes -
Split Outlets Functionality
Enable the ability to divide outlets and assign products to a specific outlet, ensuring that only the items linked to a particular outlet are visible.
7 votes -
Guest Count Confirmation Feature
Enable the option to disable the guest count confirmation function at the table.
6 votes -
Sound Notification on Kitchen Printer
Ensuring the printer emits a sound each time an order ticket is sent to the kitchen.
8 votes -
Creating an Invoice in the PMS
The ability to process a sale and send it as an invoice in the POS without registering it as a payment. This ensures the invoice remains open until the payment is received in the bank.
7 votes -
Rename Invoice Positions
A function for renaming & summarizing individual items in the invoice as an example: The item “soup” comes from the Hypersoft POS system and I would like to call this "pumpkin soup".
1 vote -
Ability to adjust font size on kitchen order slips
In our previous system, it was possible to adjust the font size on order slips. The current font size in the new system is too small, causing frequent issues in the kitchen.
Typically, kitchen staff across all stations could easily read the slips, but this is no longer the case. The small font size is slowing down operations and increasing the risk of errors.
We kindly request the ability to modify the font size on order slips to ensure smooth kitchen workflows. Your prompt assistance with this matter is greatly appreciated.
4 votes -
Need for Accumulated Listings in POS invoices
A critical issue is that items are listed individually on both orders and invoices, instead of being accumulated. This makes the invoices unnecessarily long and difficult to process. We tend to have big events going on and the invoice is going to be more than 5 meters long. It is very unprofessional and we urge you to address this issue fast.
2 votes -
Pay with currency
There needs to be differenct currencies - our guests can pay cash in DKK, EUR and USD. The system should show how much the guest gets back ind DKK.
7 votes -
Make Mews POS available in Sweden
Mews POS is not yet available in Sweden, whilst there is an increasing demand for this.
2 votes -
Availability of MEWS POS on iOS
POS not being available on iOS is a big blocker for some prospects - majority of employees use iPhones or iPads a
2 votes -
Alle anwesenden Mitarbeitenden müssen Ihre Schicht anmelden und abmelden können. Nicht nur eine Person. Anschliessend muss Umsatzquelle ausgewählt werden können und diese dann auch fix bestehen bleiben. (Dies bei verschiedenen Restaurants im Haus)
1 vote
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