Add more actions possible into Mews through Zapier
By doing more actions Mews to Mews on Zapier we would be able to have an infinite possibility of automations in various fields such as :
- payments : charge 50% remaining of a flexible rate, 30 days before arrival
-preauthorisations : on day of arrival, charge automatically the preauthorisations. If failed send email to team and guest...
- out of order : if maintenance issue task, turn property to OOO
If doable the possibilities would be endless and allow advance users through automation to personalize/automate their PMS

Thank you for sharing your idea. We opened this up for voting by our community to see how many more properties would love this idea.
Niclas Jordan commented
For me it would be great to have following trigger:
"Import a new Product to a specific Service""Pull all exitsing Reservations"
"Create Customers" should have more data fields to fill. To make it more detailed.
The greatest thing would be, that we can create Triggers by ourself, using all the existing Data fields from mews.