Bring more transparency around the price displayed in Mews booking engine
Final price in Mews booking engine does not provide enough transparency to guest of what does it consist from. That leads to several problems:
- guests complain about additional charges when products are added by product rule on the background
- in multi-tax environments, the final price is sometimes inflated by taxes and fees which are added by product rules. Guest is not aware that price already include that which makes properties to look more expensive than competition
- In single-tax environments, city taxes are posted as products. In order to stay competitive, property doesn't include them in price. Guests are later complaining to be charged more because they didn't see the price breakdown.

Nicolas Lajambe commented
Can you improve how you display city tax and tourism tax within booking engine as on reservation confirmation email?
LN commented
heel belangrijk
E. Douma commented
This is quite important: guests that reserve should immediately see the amount of citytax already in the reservationsproces, they should not be surprised afterwards.