10 results found
Bring more transparency around the price displayed in Mews booking engine
Final price in Mews booking engine does not provide enough transparency to guest of what does it consist from. That leads to several problems:
- guests complain about additional charges when products are added by product rule on the background
- in multi-tax environments, the final price is sometimes inflated by taxes and fees which are added by product rules. Guest is not aware that price already include that which makes properties to look more expensive than competition
- In single-tax environments, city taxes are posted as products. In order to stay competitive, property doesn't include them in price. Guests are later complaining…
64 votes -
Billing Tab - Show Rates vs Tax Breakdown
It would be really helpful if, on the billing tab, you can include the rate vs tax breakdown when we expand a billing item. It is causing our staff to be confused when posting adjustments and we are, as a result, paying close to $1000 in taxes more than what we collect for most of our properties.
1 vote -
Hard Coded City Tax Financial Reports in Accounting Category Additional Expense when Rebated Automatically
Currently when a GDS, OTA, TA etc cancels a reservation, the Hard Coded City Tax is rebated in the Additional Expenses Accounting Category, even when the City Taxes have been configured as "City Tax" in the Accounting Configuration -> Additional Expenses. This creates 2 separate lines in the Accounting Report (1 in the Accommodation / Additional Expense Rebate and the other in the Taxes / Rebate City Tax).
11 votesWe recently updated this so if an additional expense item is rebated it is rebated to the accounting category of the original item
Itemized fees in distributor with "taxes and fees excluded" corrected
In the USA, it is common to have a separate cleaning fee that is billed on top of the rate. Rather than have this blended into the nightly rate, which inflates the rate when a booker is doing comps, we propose that in the latter stages of the booking process fees are itemized along with the taxes.
With that, the message displayed next to the rate that says "excluding taxes and fees" will then make sense. Right now, it is inaccurate since we're blending cleaning fees into the rate and can only make it known that the fee exists via…
2 votesHello. This feature is already possible to have.
Pricing relative adjustment applicable only on the Nights
I would like to have the choice to have the relative adjustment made on the full price, OR only on the nights.
I don't want to give 10% off on the City Tax or on the breakfast, only on the nights.9 votesHello from the Mews product team. We are so pleased to let you know that your feature request has been released. Please check out our release notes – https://www.mews.li/app/release-notes. Thank you again for sharing your idea!
Children count
When a booking is received from Booking.com or from a channel manager (in our case Rentals United, I don't know for others), we should get the number of children inserted automatically into Mews. It has impact on bedding and city tax.
As of now we have to go manually in each booking of each platform and manually insert the number into Mews.3 votesHi Mewsers,
This feature is available for all channel managers. In case there is still an issue with Children count, please contact our Customer Care team, so we can investigate on concrete examples.
Kind regards,
Mews Team -
Split stay products per night
Currently, stay products are posted on bills on the day of a guest's checkout, however, this can complicate the billing process for some properties. Therefore, splitting stay products per night and listing them on day of consumption could be very helpful for clarity and also for reporting, as revenue per day would be visible in Accounting and Manager reports.
223 votesStay products are now posted on the date they’re consumed. All existing products have been replaced with products with the updated settings. Any products posted to an existing, future reservation were also updated to the new posting settings.
How do you like the feature so far and do you have any ideas for the future?
Segment report including production
There's a current "spent night report" which you can filer by segments, but it only gives you the occupation. It would be nice to know how much each segment produced, and to be able to filter that with/without commissions and with/without taxes.
7 votesReservation report provides requested functionality.
Net pricing support
Allow properties to display only net rate prices in their rate management screen, reservation creation screen in Commander, Distributor booking engine, etc. This is a global tax setting in the Mews Commander and gross rate prices will not be shown in most sections of the system. Taxes would be added on top of the net price at the time that the booking is created.
23 votesHello from the Mews product team!
We are very happy to announce that this feature has been released.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer care team.
Connector API: Tax levels in configuration/get
This would allow integrators to retrieve all tax levels configured by the property using the Get configuration endpoint.
2 votesYou can get this functionality through GetAllTaxEnvironments
- Don't see your idea?